Part:3}{A Snowy Biome}

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Thank you guys for the support on this, it means a lot.

I also don't remember the layout of the server, so it will be mixed and matched a lot.


I still blame Tommy, I mean, he did kinda press the button when it was red. I didn't ask to go searching for apples at 9 in the f*cking afternoon in a different dimension.

Anyways, the place itself looked kinda weird, with red vines covering half the ground. Multiple strange-looking buildings littered the place.

"So where are we going exactly?" I ask.

"We're going to Snowchester! The place where our Tubbo lives," D!Tommy says. "That's a weird name," I mumble under my breath. "Yeah, like 'the base' for where you live isn't weird," Tommy laughs. "Technically it doesn't have a name yet and I'm still building it," I stated as we walked into a snowy biome.

Spruce buildings came into play slowly, resting on the snowy hill. We walked towards a house that was overlooking the icy sea. Walking up the steps, D! Tommy opened the door. "Tubbo! Are you in here!?" He shouted.

"I'm Downstairs!" I heard a muffled voice shout from the basement. We walked in, it was a cozy house. A trapdoor at the end of the room opened and a boy with goat horns and ears popped up. "Hello-" he stopped.

"Uh.. who are these?" he asked, pointing to me, Tommy and Wilbur.

"So these three happen to be another version of us," D! Tommy started. "He's me, that's Tubbo, and that's Wilbur."

"And why did you need to bring me into this?" he asked. "We need apples for a friend," Will asked. "And I'm guessing that this is for another version of someone from the Dream SMP?"

"Yes, Ranboo," I replied. The boy had his hair cover his face like he was hiding something. "Okay, one sec," he opened the trapdoor and climbed back down.

He came back up with around a stack of apples. "Thank you very much," Will thanked.

I turned around to head outside, it was pitch black outside. Tommy noticed me staring outside. "Do you think that we could stay here for the night?" he asked.

"Uh, sure do you have a place to stay?" D! Tubbo asked.

"Well, we do, but Tubs get weakness at nighttime," Tommy says. "So do guys have some sort of power or what, because you have wings," he asked, gesturing to Tommy.

"Yeah, we have Origins, so basically we are part mob, I'm an Avain, so-"

"So he's part chicken," I finished.

"NO! I'm not part chicken, I'm-" he looks down, trying to think of something. "I'm part bee and Will's a phantom."

Tubbo nods.

"Well I'm going, Tommy, you can stay here if you want," D! Wilbur says as he heads for the door. "I'm going to stay here, bye!"

"I have some beds that you guys can borrow, I'll grab them."


Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, I knew that I needed a chapter out.

Word Count: 482

The Difference Of Two Servers}{Origin SMP x Dream SMP}{Remake}-DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now