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02:35 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:51

For as long as Y/N could remember, her father was a bad man.

A selfish man who would do anything for power in the jujutsu society.

Daisuke Gojo. That was his name.

He wanted to raise powerful children who would take over the society entirely, making the Gojo clan the supreme clan.

He wanted to get rid of the other clans in the society, strike them down into nothing.

So, he had a plan.

He married Gojo Aiko, a woman who would birth his children and give them the best chance of being powerful sorcerers.

It wasn't a marriage of love. Aiko hadn't loved Daisuke but agreed to marry him because he was well off, but later realised his true colours, yet she couldn't leave due to her ties with him.

She had sealed the deal, tightening the knot on the noose that would begin to slowly and painfully kill her.

His first attempt was with Gojo Satoru, the first person in the last thousand years to be born with the Six Eyes and Limitless, both powerful abilities the clan specialises in. 

However, Satoru was strong enough to rebel against his father, going against his wishes of being trained by him, and wishing to leave to Jujutsu Tech Tokyo, where he would study instead.

At that, Daisuke knew he wasn't going to listen to him, so, he made another child.

Gojo Y/N.

Satoru was thirteen when she was born. He cherished and loved his sister while he could before he left for school away from her in two years' time.

He could've only wished back then that he had even taken the time to try to convince the clan higher-ups to take his sister with him.

And with that, Aiko's noose got tighter once Satoru left, leaving her with a two-year-old child and an abusive husband who hid everything from the rest of the clan.

It was Daisuke who held the noose above Aiko, slowly pushing it to tighten around her neck as the days went by.

Y/N had tried to suppress the memories she had of the man she had once called her Papa, but it was hard to when he had made such a big impact on her life.

Y/N remembered what life was like when her older brother left.

She was three at the time.

Being around Papa was like walking on a bridge made of eggshells, one wrong move and you'd be done for.

Y/N often found herself falling off the bridge, making the wrong moves all the time.

But, someone always helped her up.


Mama would take the blame for things Y/N did that didn't please Papa, oftentimes being hit and hurt in different ways that Y/N would give anything to forget.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄 「𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀 x 𝐉𝐉𝐊」Where stories live. Discover now