{9.2} Echo

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{Balor's POV}

I watch as the men lead Aspen to the familiar basement. I shrug the men off me who don't seem to understand the concept of personal space. I turn around and start walking so they keep their filthy hands off me.

"Behave Balor." Oslo calls after me.

I reply with my middle finger.

It says enough.

I'm lead to a literal bathroom where a guard breaks the handle of the door off in front of me. He closes the door, leaving me alone. I glance around looking for cameras, and am relived to have found none.

I take my phone out of my pocket that they stupidly didn't notice. Granted, I gave Oslo the phone that Aspen had stolen. He didn't know I had a second. I dial Caspian's number.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Cas, Aspen and I have been taken." I get straight to the point.

"By who?" Caspian starts shuffling around. I can hear murmurs of others in the background.

"Oslo." I reply.

"Why, what would he want?" Sorin questions through the phone.

"Money. He has buyers lined up for me. Apparently I'm quite the commodity." I say.

I hear a snort on the other line.

"Get your head out of your ass. Where is Aspen?" Sorin asks.

"In the basement cells." I reply.

"No.." Caspian replies.

"Yes, he sent her down there and he has me stuck in some bathroom."

"F*ck!" Caspian slams something on the other line.

"I know, but I think she'll be fine." I reply.

"You think." Caspian scoffs.

Its unusual for him to Behave this way. Him and I were both down there at one point. It was an experience I wish I could forget every damn day. Although he doesn't admit it, Caspian has scars from that place too.

"We have to figure something out." I tell him.

"He has buyers lined up right? What if we just bought them?" Ambrose suggests.

"He would never sell them to us." Sorin comments.

"Not to us, but maybe someone else we know.." Caspian draws out.

{Aspen's POV}

"We wont let them take you Karieo. Oslo is f*cking sick." Xan spits out.

"It's okay, I know that guy, I think he's here to help." I reassure them.

"Oh sh*t" Kalan says, "Plot twist."

I pace around in my cell which is feeling awfully claustrophobic at this time. I pause when my intrusive death thoughts are interrupted but my stomach rumbling. That's a little disrespectful.

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