Chapter 2

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I'm never shocked when people let me down nowadays. I just hate the fact that I put myself in a position to be let down in the first place. ~ Anonymous.


I looked through my wardrobe swiping everything to the left because I couldn't find the right dress. "Oh, this is nice." I whispered whilst I pulled it out.

I took my make up bag and foundation and placed that to my face, blending it in with my make up brush. I took out my liquid eye liner, I placed it to my eye lid, focusing intensely, I did the same to my other eye. I put on my dark red lipstick and rubbed them together.

I put on my black skin tight dress on and my matching black heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and stuck my tongue out. "This is gonna be a long night" I said to myself. I sat down on my bed texting Calum waiting for my mum to tell me to 'come down.'

"Sib, dinner's ready" There it is. I opened my door and walked down the stairs, I looked at Mikey and he smiled at me, as did I. My eyes wandered around the room until I stopped to see beautiful hazel eyes.

"Hello, Beautiful. I'm Ashton Irwin." His raspy Australian voice said. Wait, Australian? This is going to be the end of me, I thought. I went to go shake his hand but I was engulfed into a pair of arms. "I'm quite the hugger" Ashton laughs. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pulled away and pressed my lips into a think line. "Good evening Mr. Irwin, I'm Sibyl Clifford." He nods.

"Beautiful name."
I turned around and walked to the table and took a seat, after a few minutes someone sat next to me. I looked to my left and saw Ashton staring at me, I blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

Everyone took a seat and mum placed the food on the table. "So tell me Sibyl, what are you interested in?" Ashton asked me. I bit my lip, and thought about it.

"I really love to act." I said.

He gave me a genuine smile and nodded, "So Mr. Irwin, I wanted to ask you something about the company" my dad started. That's when I completely dozed off.

I was talking to Michael that was across from me about what happened at school but suddenly stopped when I felt somebody's hand on my knee. I looked at Ashton and he was talking to my parents. I swatted the hand away but but he just kept on putting it back. "Sibby, you were saying." Michael urged me on. I felt Ashton's hand ride up higher, just underneath where my dress ended. The burning sensation in my thigh made me squirm. "Sibyl, are you okay?" Mikey asked. I nodded, and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay, Kitten?" Ashton whispered to me, I looked at him and tried removing his hand but he was just too strong.

I leaned closer to Ashton, "Stop touching me, please." I whispered. He shook his head, and I huffed out. His fingers were massaging the inside of my thighs and I closed my eyes. God dammit, Sibyl, don't let him touch you!

He gripped on the end of my dress and moved it up. I felt my panties dampen, I shouldn't be feeling this way. He moved my panties to the side and massaged my clit, his index finger ran through my slit and he slowly slipped it in. I gasped and licked my lips. "What's wrong, daughter?" Dad asked.

"Nothing don't worry about it, just a slight cramp on my foot" I quickly said.
Ashton's fingers fastened and I clenched around him. Ashton added another finger which made me shake in pleasure. He pumped his fingers in and out, getting some sort of rhythm.

Ashton placed his lips near my ears, "If you're a good girl, Daddy will let you come." He whispered, I whimpered and gripped the edge of the table.


I grabbed hold onto Ashton's pants and felt myself coming onto his fingers.

His fingers slipped out and he pulled down my dress. How can my parents not notice this? "I.. May I please be excused?" I stuttered. My mum nods and I get up, walking to the bathroom, I turn my head back to see Ashton smirking at me.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my face was flushed, my eyes are watery, and I'm taking in short breaths.

"I'm so going to hell for that." I grumbled to myself.

My thoughts were distrusted when there was a knock on the door. I backed away slowly from the door, and pursed my lips. "Sibby?" Michaels soft voice asked. Well it's time to get out.

I opened the door and face him a tight smile, he held my shoulders and asked once again if I was alright. I assured him I was fine.

I wrapped my arms around his left arm and he dragged me towards the kitchen table.

Once again my parents and Mr. Irwin were talking but stopped when I came into their full view. "Sibyl, can I please ask you a favour?" Ashton asked, I nodded and signalled him to go on.

"Do you mind babysitting my kids?"

My jaw dropped and I was speechless, "Of course she wouldn't!" my mum exclaimed.

"Great! Is Friday okay?" Ashton questioned. I slowly nodded, still surprised.

"Wait! So you have kids?" I asked confused. Ashton giggled, yup giggled. He's high.

"Two kids age of two, twins." He said proudly.

"I also have a wife."

Oh dear lord, please forgive me.



Ashton you little son of a bitch. I jk, I jk.

Hopefully you guys like this chapter, sorry I didn't update it for a while, I'm not really committed, I don't why.

It feels so weird writing a book like this. I squirmed whilst writing this.

I love you Penguins. 🐧

~ Beatrix ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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