Creepy stalker

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Yoongi's P. O. V.

"Please if there's anything. Just tell me. " Jungkook asked, his eyes desperate.

I was asking myself just one question repeatedly.

Should I?

I looked at him again. Still contemplating.

"Then...." Gulping I asked,
"Can you go to Daegu? "

" Daegu? " He asked, taken aback.

"Yes....Umm, don't freak out but.... "

"But what? " He asked.

"I used to have a camera set up in my room so that I could see Aer- I mean Jae. " I said finally.

"Are you a stalker? " He asked.

"I set that up so that I could see if Wook-ah was torturing her or not. I would always save her whenever I caught a glimpse of him abusing her. " I said honestly.

"Wait you lived in the opposite house of hers? " Jungkook asked shocked.

"Not hers. Dong Wook's house. He was my childhood friend. " I said, shrugging.

"I didn't see that coming. " He breathed out.

"Of course you didn't. "

"But you were helping her. Thanks for that. " He said suddenly as I looked at him, relieved.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're a creepy stalker. " He added and I gave him that.

I was a stalker after all.

"So....? " He asked.

"You can find my house in Daegu right? " I asked and he nodded.

"Go to my room and you'll find a drawer. I have the keys with me wait. " I said as I rolled my socks a little to reveal two keys.

I took those keys with me in the last moment when the polices came to arrest me. Guess my hunch wasn't so bad after all.

"Take this key and open the drawer. You'll find a brown packet. Inside that will be the tapes. Those are so old. So handle it carefully. "

"Okay hyung. " He listened carefully, his doe eyes getting round as he concentrated more.

"You don't have to bring all of them cause there are so many. Just find the one with the latest date and bring it to me. Cause that was the last day I recorded. After that Aera became Jae. " I said sighing.

"You sure you have the tape? " He asked.

"I'm sure. It was still recording when I saw Jae choking DongMin. I quickly rushed to the house but the record was still going on. " I said.

"Does that mean....Jae killed- "

"I don't know. I didn't have the courage to see that recording ever. I was about to bury those but kept it with me in a hidden drawer anyways. " I said, shrugging.

"Who would thought some crazy things that a stalker did will become useful? " He scoffed.

"If you find it, don't watch the tape. And if you do, watch it alone. Come on, promise me. " I said as he mumbled,
"As if it's a sex tape. "

"It is. " I mumbled but luckily he didn't hear.

"Promise. " He said as I mumbled back an 'Okay'.

Jungkook's P. O. V.

I went to our dorm quickly and packed some necessities for a quick trip to Daegu.

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