1. Calling of the Guardians

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~300 years later~

A beaming young girl, with her waist-long  pink hair tied up into a high ponytail, flys into the busy busy workshop, that is owned by a man named Nicolas St.North.

You may know him as Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, or Kris Kringle.

But in her big, dark purple eyes, he will always be known as North, and he will always be a farther-ly figure in the young girls life.

Her smooth hair simmers in the light, with pink, and gold sparkles.

She now wears white flared trousers, with a white corset, with intricate details, with a long sleeved white shirt and wears white heels underneath the trousers.

She smiles widely at the sight before her, watching the yetis rush around, getting toys completed and finished before the big night.

She chuckled to herself and controls her giant, Angel wings to fly to the top floor of the manic workshop.

"Haveudbei!" A silver yeti smiles, and picks up the young girl in a tight embrace.

"Oh!, hi Phil!" The girl smiled, covering her shock.

"Djdineisnen!!" A ginger yeti yells, running past the young girl in a hurry.

'Phil' goes to look over the banister of the top floor, and notices something about the humongous globe, that is held at the bottom of the workshop. He then runs down to the globe, leaving the pink haired girl alone.

The girl walks up to the banister and notices that something is happening to the globe.

Her eyes narrow in confusion as she watches the lights flicker, and go out.

You see, each of those lights resemble the children of the world. The lights resemble each child who believes in The Guardians.

The Guardians are the figures who bring joy to children.

"Adora?" A deep Russian accent interrupts her thoughts.

"North!" The girl said, happy to finally see the big man.

Now, North is an immense man; he's tall, buff and a little rotund. He has bright blue eyes, thick black eyebrows and a long white beard and mustache.

He wears a red plaid shirt, with the words "naughty" and "nice" tattooed on each forearm respectively and also wore big black trousers with a red and black thick belt.

"What are you doing here?" He commanded, knowing that she shouldn't be at the Pole, let alone in his workshop.

"Am I not allowed to see my old friend?" She asked, trying not to trample on the elves that were rushing to the globe.

"No." He replied sharply.

"What? Why?" She smiled, following the white bearded man.

"Because you have a job to deliver Adora! The world needs you!" He shouted behind him, holding his sword tightly.

"I know your happy to see me, old man." She smirked, knowing deep down, he was very happy that she came to visit him. Knowing that she made time for him out of her busy schedule.

The man chuckled deeply and softly, and didn't reply to the young girl.

"Shoo, shoo, with your pointy heads. Why are you always under boots?" North asked the elves, as he made his way to the bottom floor, to look at the globe.

Adora also shoved her way through the elves, and after saying sorry to them, she stood next to North, and they both watched the lights on the ginormous globe flicker, and noticed that some even went out completely.

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