Ch 4 : Missing again?

535 31 176


Roy : Huh?! I have to go!

Alvaro : Hey.. We also want to see the king!!

Roy : Okay.. Just come with me!

Draco : Wait.. You're the...

Others except Alvaro and Roy : ROYAL GUARD?!!

Gopal : I thought royal guards looked like a knight or something.

Lay : But.. You don't look like a knight.

Roy : It is not necessary to put on an 100 kg armour to be a Royal guard. And do you have any problem with that?!

Lay and Gopal : Noo!!

Roy : Now hurry up!! The king is calling me!

Others : Okay!!


They all then hurried to the palace..

They all then hurried to the palace

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That's the bridge to the castle.. 😅

Yaya, Ying and Irene : It's so Beautiful ✨️

Gopal : Dey, When will we reach the palace?! You said it's an emergency and if we are going like this it will take 200 years to reach there!!

Roy : Can you just shut your mouth.

Lay : Erm.. May I-

Roy : No. You can't ask anymore questions right now.

Lay : Erm.. Okay.(how did he know what I was going to ask?!!)

Roy : I will explain that later.

Lay : Oh ok.. Wait what?!

Roy : Silence. Now walk faster.We need to go there fast.

Alvaro : Roy, Can't you use that?

Roy : So, you still remember all that?

Alvaro : Well, Yeah.

Roy : Ok. I can.

Roy then took out a small device which looked like a necklace.

Roy : Karukute hayai!!

Suddenly there was a bright light and they all disappeared and then appeared infront of.

Suddenly there was a bright light and they all disappeared and then appeared infront of

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