11, oh..

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all in one - jordan poole

all in one - jordan poole

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Jordan sighed on facetime as he rubbed Kota’s thick coat.

Her smile instantly dropped at those four words and the only words that managed to leave her lips were, “Oh…”

He swallowed a lump in his throat as he waited for his best friend to answer.

Apart of him wanted her to be disappointed, but he mainly wanted her to be happy for him.

Jordan didn't really enjoy relationships, as they were usually in it for his money, but there was something about the girl he had met a few months ago.

Zia knew this, so she was glad when she heard the news. or at least on the outside. Though confused on why she was just now learning about her.

Weren’t they best friends?

Why was Jordan just so suddenly bringing this mystery girl up?

"Really? Wow Jordy that's great!" Zia exclaimed a bit more sarcastically than desired. But Jordan's oblivion was real thick as he ignored it. “Her name’s Shaia. She wants to meet you.”

He talks to her about me, so why didn’t he talk to me about her?

Zaharia smiled at him, giving him a proud nod. “That’s good, that’s uh..” she trailed off, “Real good. What’s her Insta?”


Zia laid back on her bed and opened the social media app as she began to look for her profile.

Zia laid back on her bed and opened the social media app as she began to look for her profile

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This girl was absolutely beautiful.

Shaia had dark gray eyes, light blond hair, and plump pink lips.

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