15| Trouble

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The foyer filled with my giggles as dad spun me around in his arms. I hung onto him tightly and couldn't help but grin widely. He stopped and looked at me. A warm smile spread across his lips and he pressed ten kisses on my cheeks. He says my cheeks are the most adorable part of me.

They're a bit chubby, but that's how my parents like them.

It also came in handy for my chipmunk imitation!

"I have decided on a nickname!" He announced.

My eyes widened and I waited impatiently. I wanted a cool nickname!


My smile fell.

"But that's Hector's!" I whined.

"That's topolino." He corrected me.

Dad carefully set me back down on the ground and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't want the same nickname as the old man!" I grumbled.

Dad cupped my face and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You remind me a lot of him." He told me softly.

There was a warm look in his eyes.

"Pick a new one!" I begged.

He shook his head.


I was looking forward to a nickname but now I was sad about it. Why do I have to look like Hector?

Mom caressed my hair and patted my back softly.

"We'll see each other again during Christmas. But call me daily, alright?"

I was already looking forward to Christmas but that was a month away.

"I promise!" I hugged her.

She kissed my cheek and helped me in the car. I sat by the window and watched them while we drove away. They wove and I wove back.

My parents are amazing.


Amelia was ignoring almost everybody except for Theo, Victor, and me. I had to admit that we were going in a good direction relationship-wise. She finally let go of the fact that I was better than her in school because of my IQ test. The principal had suggested that I did one. I didn't really want to do it at first but he told Hector, so I didn't have any choice.

I had an IQ of 148 which meant that I was technically a genius.

I should've done that test a long time ago. It really helped with my confidence and settled things with Amelia.

What also helped was the fact that they discovered that I had a photographic memory. I kinda always knew but I was never diagnosed.

So Amelia stopped comparing herself with me and I took away a lot of tension. Now I helped her with her math homework occasionally and we studied together.

That was what Hector meant by promising our parents that he'll make me study. He made a study room for us and forced me in there until dinner. Ian, my favourite bodyguard, had to make sure that I stayed there. He didn't even let me slip out to go pee.

He took it way too serious.

But yeah. I did not have any other choice than to do my homework.

It was nice to have it done early so that I didn't have to work until later or get up early in the morning to make it.

The exams has started so my siblings and I were studying. While I was fine with just reading, Hector wanted me to actually do something. He made me make schemes and mindmaps. It was a waste of my time but he believed that it would benefit me.

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