Chapter 8

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We stood in the animal clinic in silence. "So...are we not gonna address that Stiles and Cora just up and went back in time?" Lydia asked. "Yep." Scott answered before a bright blue light shine through the entire building.

From beyond the light stood Geralt, Ciri, and two other people. "You guys are back. It hasn't even been 2 minutes." Lydia voiced.

Scott looked closely at the other individuals. One was tall. Had long white hair like Geralt, eyes were amber just the same. One singular scar ran down the right side of his face. He wielded two swords. One on his back similar to Geralt's and then one at his hip. A katana.

The man was a carbon copy of Geralt. But instead of broad shoulders and muscles. This man was lean and flat-muscled. His armor was chinked in some places visible beneath the black cloak he wore. A medallion of a wolf's head around his neck.

The woman accompanying him was beautiful. Her brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She wore leather pants like it was a second skin, boots that reached the bottom of her knees, and a metal breastplate.

She had no swords like her friends but had two daggers on each side of her hips.

"Who are-" Scott started. "Time has passed in our time...what has only been two minutes here...has been 10 years in ours." Ciri explained.

The man stood silent as he faced the group of supernaturals. "I'll be outside." He said to Ciri, Geralt, and the woman. Geralt nodded his head. The man's voice was gruff and deep.

"Don't wander off too far." Geralt told him. The man nodded his head. The man left with the woman. "Who are they?" Scott asked.

"Stiles and Cora." Geralt answered. "What?! How?!" Derek exclaimed wide-eyed.

"Like Ciri said, time has passed since we retrieved the White Fox." Geralt voiced. "You meant to tell us that that guy was Stiles? Skinny, defenseless, sarcastic Stiles?" Peter questioned. Geralt glanced at the werewolf. "A lot has happened." Ciri stated. "Clearly, what happened?" Scott asked.

"War." Geralt sounded. "Stiles fought in a war?" Derek inquired. "We all did. Cintra had been overrun. Mieczy got caught in the middle of it." Geralt said.

"What do you mean?" Allison asked. "The war was about the White Fox." Ciri pointed out. "Why?" the Argent girl voiced. "Nilfgaard believed that Mieczy had the power to end the war. They wanted to use him as a weapon. He simply refused." Ciri explained.

"So what happened?" Lydia asked. "Mieczy watched as Nilfgaard laid waste to Cintra. Helpless. But he finally escaped. The White Fox is finally on the path that he was destined for." Geralt pointed out. "Why wouldn't he speak to us?" Malia wondered.

"He's not the same person that you remember. War changed him. Hunting monsters to the ends of the earth became his only objective. Hunt and kill. Then get paid. The way of the Witcher. That and achieving his destiny." Ciri explained.

"You turned him into a killer?!" Scott spat with glowing red eyes. "You best watch that tone of yours, wolf. Before I make you regret it." Geralt growled.

"What of Cora?" Derek asked. "Always by his side. His companion, trusted partner, and comrade. Never leaves him behind." Ciri answered.

"Why are you back?" Deaton asked. "To finish what was started." Geralt voiced before looking at Ciri.

"Well, what is it?" Scott asked. "Witcher business." Ciri stated. "Hey, you came for Stiles. We deserve to know!" Scott spat. "The only thing you to not die by my own hands!" Geralt snarled. "Wha-" Scott started.

"Did you actually think he wasn't going to find out, wolf?" Ciri asked. "I don't know what you're--" Scott stammered. "Do not lie to us, boy!" Geralt raged grabbing the werewolf and pinning him to the wall.

"You were eager to send Mieczy away. Why?" Geralt interrogated. "I don't--" Scott started. "WHY?!" Geralt fumed. Scott was silent. The pack looked at Scott confused.

"Geralt!" Ciri shouted pulling her father off the werewolf. Geralt seethed. "You wanted him gone, admit it." Geralt snarled. "No." Scott answered. "You were afraid of the damage he might do as a Witcher and sent him away immediately because you were a coward! Admit it!" Geralt snapped.

"NO!" Scott argued. "LIAR!" Geralt exclaimed unsheathing his silver sword and aiming it at Scott's throat.

"Scott, what is he talking about?" Allison asked looking at her boyfriend. "Nothing. He's lying." Scott answered. Derek squinted his blue eyes facing the Alpha. "What. Is. He. Talking about?" Derek growled slowly. "I don't know!" Scott snapped.

"You wanted Stiles to die because you believed he wouldn't survive a day as a Witcher! You wanted revenge for the part he played in for nearly killing your friends! So you sent him away! Because if we hadn't shown up! YOU WOULD HAVE KILLED YOURSELF!!!" Geralt spat.

The pack stared at Scott. "He's lying. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Scott told them.

"Really, Scott?" A voice announced. Stiles stood in the doorway. "You were always a terrible liar." Stiles pointed out entering the clinic with Cora behind him.

"You wanted me dead because I nearly killed Allison. Because I nearly killed your mother. But here's the thing, Scott. That wasn't me. That was the demon. I had no control over myself. But you just didn't care. All you saw was what I see now." Stiles explained standing in Scott's face.

Scott realized that Stiles now towered over him.

"A monster." Stiles finished. Scott slammed his fist into Stiles' face. Stiles wasn't fazed at all. He grabbed the Alpha and pinned him to the table before the pack lunged at Stiles. Geralt, Ciri, and Cora stood between them.

"You...are worse than Peter." Stiles spat pressing the blade of his sword against Scott's neck.

"Worse than Deucalion. Worse than Gerard." He continued. Scott struggled beneath the Witcher's strength. "Scott, I have faced monsters a thousand times threatening than you will ever be. Faced men more threatening than you. None of them survived." Stiles snarled.

"I AM YOUR ALPHA! RELEASE ME!" Scott roared with scarlet red eyes. "A Witcher has no Alpha." Geralt announced. "That bond was severed the moment he accepted he was a Witcher." He added.

Scott stared at Stiles. "I have spent 10 years in Hell, Scott. 10...long...years. Fighting monsters, fighting wars, battles, men, and demons. 10 YEARS!!!" Mieczy raged pressing the edge of the blade deeper into Scott's throat.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMMAND ME, CHILD!!!" He continued. "Fortunately, for you, I am not here to kill you...yet. I am only here to retrieve something important." Stiles growled before releasing the werewolf.

Stiles faced Geralt, Ciri, and Cora. "We're leaving." He ordered sheathing his sword.

Geralt looked at Ciri. She faced Scott. "You're lucky to be alive, wolf. Mieczy would have already killed you if you had blood on your hands." Ciri explained before they left.

The Mutated One 🐺Cora Hale🐺Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora