The first mission

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Alex POV

"So who's ready to get this party started" Tony Stark said finally breaking the silence and clapping his hands together.

"So what's the plan all I know is some HYDRA base needs to be taken down and you need our help" I explained the information I got "you didn't really give me much to work off of flappy bird"I say pointed to Sam.

"The mission is simple" Mr. icicle or Captain America if you want said.

"HYDRA has Symbiote test subjects and are trying to weaponize them. We need to eliminate them before they get released into the public" Steve said explaining the mission. "We also need to take down the base and try to keep all the files safe for information"

Cap looked over at me almost sympathetically "I know this might be hard for you to do seeing as you host a Symbiote yourself bu-" I cut this bitch off fast.

"Oh hell no we're fine with killing them I've killed some before so it don't bother me" I waved him off.

"You sure I mean-" 

"Naw man it's chill I got a homemade blow torch I've been wanting to use for a while now" I shrug off.

"A what now" Tony questioned.

"A homemade blow torch you know with hairspray and a lighter" I look around to see that no one recognizes the blow torch.

"Wow you are all extremely lame" I deadpanned.

"That's beside the point everyone get your stuff together the jet is right behind you and we leave as soon as possible" Tony said pointing out things and loading up the jet.

"There is no jet" Peter pointed out.

Just as he said that a big queen jet uncloaked and suddenly the queen jet was in front of us.

"Found it!" Peter yelled pointing to the jet.

"Mk well they are bundles of joy" I say looking around at the avengers who are loading up the queen jet.

"Hey wanna play Uno" I asked Peter.

"You have Uno?" 

"Naturally I figured this would get boring, I also brought gummy worms" I opened a pouch on my tool belt that had a pocket filled with gummy worms. 

"You are my favorite person on this earth"

So that's how me and Peter ended up in our super hero suits on the landing pad of avengers tower playing Uno with Venom and eating gummy worms as the Avengers packed up the queen jet.

"What are you doing" a sokovian accent said from behind me.

I turned around to see a tall boy with silver hair that was slightly brown at the roots with a silver and blue combat suit on, quick silver or Pietro.

(A/N I don't know how to write in accents... so just imagine he has a sokovian accent)

"Oh hey we're just playing Uno well we wait. No offense bu-"

"We mean all offense" 

"No we don't" I corrected Venom. "but ya family bore me buddy, so we playing Uno" I smiled.

"Wanna join" I nodded my head to the pile of cards on the ground in between me and Peter.

"Sure" he said sitting down next to me.

I shuffled the cards and started to deal them out but Pietro stoped.

"Could I grab my sister I'm sure she would love this game" he smiled probably thinking of memories with his sister.

"Sure we don't mind" Peter said.

"Nice, be back in a second princesa" he winked at me and speed off to go find his sister Wanda.

Peter snorted and snickered "you think he was trying to flirt"

"Who knows" I rolled my eyes.

"He try's to hurt my nibble I'll bite his head off and shove it so far up his ass he'll grow a new head"

"OK V THATS ENOUGH" I laughed covering her mouth with my hands before she could say anything else.

Soon enough Pietro zoomed back into the room with Wanda on his back in a piggy back ride.

Wanda hoped off his back "Hello I'm Wanda" Wanda stuck her hand out.

I shook Wanda's hand "I'm Venom, This is Spider-Man, and this is also Venom" I say pointing to Peter and Venom.

"We're playing Uno wanna sit" Peter said patting the ground.


 Wanda and Pietro each took a seat next to me. Now I was in between Pietro and Wanda, not a bad place to be if you know what I mean.

Me and Venom were working together seeing as we kinda shared a mind and I didn't want her to cheat.

"All right! Let's go we're wasting day light get in the jet we can finalize plans on the jet" Tony yelled. 

Tony honestly looked like a stressed dad before a big road trip. He also sounded like one.

Me, Peter, Pietro, and Wanda packed up the Uno cards and ate the rest of the gummy worms, that was mainly venom and me though.

"You got your blow torch" I looked at Peter.

"Always" he help up the Spider-Man themed lighter I got him, he also held up a small can of hair spray.

"Awesome let's go" I walked off in to the queen jet.

The jet was fancy and mainly all black with seats and straps so you don't fly off the wall.

I took a seat on the fairest corner with Peter next to me. Steve walked in and took a seat in the co pilots seat next to Clint.

"All right take off Barton" Steve nodded beside him as Clint pulled off the ground.

I really wanted to fly this thing, but no apparently I'm a hazard to society, what ever that means.

A little bit later the jet was in the air and going steadily in the air  

Tony was walking around the main part of the jet and tinkering with random pieces of metal. He sat down across from me and stared.

"So we gonna talk about how you got your little parasite buddy or not" he said leaning forward.

Oh this wasn't gonna end good.


So their friends now.

Say Yay for friendship!


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