Chapter 12 ~ so not sleeping anymore

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Kakashi's POV

"Hey, kakashi-kun it's alright." Said minato-sensei as i rubbed my eyes making them red.

I looked at minato-sensei, confused. It seemed that the hokage had noticed my confusen.

"You're a half uchiha kakashi." Said the hokage. I blinked in surprised and confusion.

What? I'm pretty none of my parents are uchihas... Wait... This isn't really the past, is it.

It's more of a dimensions travel where i some how born as a half uchiha?

Than why didn't i know it?

Like reading his mind the hokage continued. "You already awakened your sharigan from the day you were born kakashi, and with an odd color as well.

"When it was tested, it seemed your sharigan was enhance thanks to your white chakra of the hatake clan.

"We decided it would bw to dangerous to let it rome free where anyone can see them.

"Afraid that someone would use it for their own purposes or even harm you because you are so young when you unlocked the tree tommoe sharigan.

"So we sealed it soon after your birth" the hokage finishes looking apologetic. I turned to see minato-sensei who had an ashamed looked.

He knew.

"Sensei.." i started, but trailed off, unable to complete the sentence.

Minato-sensei looked guilty, but it seemed he also decided that he would come clean.

"Yes kakashi, i knew you had the Sharingan. I was there when jiraja-sensei sealed it." He said trying to keep his voice from wavering, but obviously failed.

"I'm sorry, kakashi-kun. I would have told if i could but..." He trailed, but of course it didn't need to be continued.

Who would have told a child a secret so important and powerful?

Children like to show of, they like when people know how strong they are. And any normal kid would have told their friends - classmates - if they had something more powerful than the Sharingan.

"It's okay sensei. I guess the seal must have broken when i accidentally build up a large amount of chakra all at once." I replied.

The hokage sighed looking very exhausted.

"Kakashi, about sukea.."

"Hokage-sama i don't mean to hide things but.. you know how people would be if they knew a kid could do something like that. They would want to get their hands on me.

"So i decided it would be best if just kept training until the time arrive that I must show myself.

"Sukea has no intention of being an Enemy to any villages. And i think you would be pleased to hear that i have made connection with the people from other villages... An information network, i supposed." I said as i looked back to the hokage.

The hokage looked rather surprised at my explanation. Calculative eyes.

A quick glance to minato-sensei shows that he is also surprised and confused as well as worried.

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