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Anna's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm vibrating on the bedside cabinet. I still haven't unpacked but I'm going to do that today.

After a while, I got out of bed and took a shower, brushed my teeth then did my hair. I don't like wearing makeup so that's something that I will never do.

I went back into my bedroom and put some clothes on that I got out of my suitcase, just a pair of baggy jeans as I don't want them noticing that I have a dick and a t-shirt to go with it.

I picked my phone up from the cabinet, unplugged it then put it into my pocket, leaving the room to go downstairs before, Sarah and Mike leave.

As I reached the bottom on the stairs, I noticed that they were getting ready to leave as they were hugging, Charlotte and Roland. They saw me standing beside them.

"Hello, Anna" Sarah said with a smile on her face. "Hey, are you guys leaving?" she nodded her head. "Yes, we're just about to go" Mike said. I hugged the lady and gentleman, then Roland.

We all said goodbye to them, then they leaved going through the front door and closing it behind them. "Well, it's just me and you now, kiddo" Charlotte, laughed at what I said to her.

"Yeah, it definitely is" she took a deep breath seeming like as if she's preparing herself for the three weeks that she has with me.

I can't get over the fact that she is so gorgeous. I don't even understand why but when she talks to me or she smiles, I get butterflies in my stomach. I can't feel this way towards someone that I'm having to "babysit", but I just can't stop myself.

"Have you had breakfast?" Charlotte sat down on the chairs that are located around the dining table as we went into the kitchen. "Not yet".

I went over to the fridge and looked for something good to cook for breakfast but there wasn't much leaved. "We're gonna need to go shopping" she turned around on the chair to face me.

"Let's go then" she stood up from her seat and got a hoodie from her bedroom then came back down, putting it on. I got my car keys, then we leaved the house.

I took her out to my car and told the guards that we need to go food shopping. They opened the gate for us so we got in and I started driving to the nearest grocery store.

Charlotte and I, entered the store and looked around at some foods that she wants to get. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to be wasting the money you earn". wow she's so considerate.

"Don't worry about that. What ever you want, I'll get it for you no matter how much money it comes up to" she smiled, widely then hugged me showing her appreciation.

"Come on, let's get this done with".


We arrived home and put the shopping away. "Do you still want breakfast?" she nodded her head. "Yes please" Charlotte, came over to me and picked out what she wanted.

I cooked her what she wanted and made enough for me so we could eat together. I finished doing that then plated it up, then placing it in front of her as she was sat at the table waiting.

"Thank you, Anna" Charlotte said with a smile on her face. "No problem" we started eating and she started making 'mmm' noises. It must be good.

"Are you enjoying that?" I was giggling at the sounds she was making. "It's so fucking good" she made the 'so' prolonged as she enthusiastically said her words.

"Yeah, I can tell.." she looked at me with a smirk making me laugh. ".. What? the sounds you're making are funny" she reached over the table and hit my arm.

We carried on eating then once we finished, I washed the plates. "Anna?" I looked over to her as she turned around. "Yes" she came over to me and grabbed ahold of my hand, dragging me into the backyard where there was a huge pool.

"Have you got your phone in any of your pockets?" I shook my head then the next second, I felt her push me into the pool.

I got up and had my head out of the water. "What the fuck" she was laughing and even though I didn't like it, I liked seeing her happy.

I made my way out as the water was dripping from my clothes. "Um.." she pointed down to my center. ".. What's that?" shit, I looked down and noticed that because my jeans were wet, it was making them be tight on me.

"Have you never seen a woman with a dick before?" Charlotte, shook her head. "You actually have a dick?! that's so cool, Anna" she sounded so enthusiastic and respectful.

"Thanks" she pushed me into the water again then jumped in after me. "Hey" she said softly as our heads were out of the water. "Hey" I gave her a smile.

"So, how have you got a dick?" she's getting curious now. "I'm intersex so I was born as a boy but when I got older, I developed a woman's body, the only thing I don't have is a vagina" why am i explaining this to her right now?

"You've got a dick and you're cute. God really made you well" I splashed water over her, making, Charlotte rub her face with her hands afterwards. "Come on, let's go back in".


Charlotte's POV:
I was doing my homework in my bedroom after, Anna made us dinner. I was having trouble with the subjects and really needed help with it. I normally ask my parents but I can't.

I went over to, Anna's room because I heard her go in there not long ago. I knocked a couple of times then opened the door.

"Shit, sorry" I closed the door again, covering my eyes as I just caught her butt naked. She looked like she had gotten out of the shower, I just didn't hear the water running.

"It's fine now, you can come in" I opened the door and saw her in her boxers and a sports bra. HOLY FUCK, SHE'S GOT ABS TOO.

"Your dick is really noticeable right now" she looked down, making me slightly giggle. Anna, sat down on her bed and cover herself with a pillow.

"So, what did you come in here for?" her abs are still showing but god damn, is it getting hot in here? I took my mind off of that and answered her question. "I needed help with my homework" she smiled.

"Come here" Anna, tapped the bed for me to sit next to her. I sat down then showed her the questions, I've already finished a few because she's fast on solving them.

"How the fuck do you do this shit?" she looked at me and laughed. "It's simple, you just do this... and this then it's done" she was showing me what she was doing to solve the questions.

The homework that she's helping me with is maths and it's super fucking hard. "You make it look easy" she laughed again. "I guess, you just have to get used to doing it this way and then you'll be like me".

After about thirty minutes, we finished doing the homework together. I felt so relieved once we got to the last one, I literally laid my back down onto her bed with my feet dangling off the edge.

"You're definitely getting an A on that, you did so well" she praised with a smile on her face. "Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you" she nodded her head then laid down next to me.

"Tickle monster" Anna said then started tickling me making me roll around on the bed, laughing with tears coming out of my eyes. "Stop.." she still carried on. ".. Anna, fucking stop".

She finally stopped and I calmed down after all of the laughing I did that made me need to catch my breath back.

Anna, was really close to my face, looking deeply into my eyes, it was so silent but it was comfortable. "Have I told you yet that you're beautiful?" I shook my head then took a glance down to her lips.

"So are you" Anna, slowly moved away. "We um, we shouldn't, you know" she said, I nodded my head then sat up as, Anna was looking down to the ground.

"I know.." I took a deep breath. ".. But, thanks for helping me, you're a legend" she laughed and looked over to me with a smile. "Any time, kiddo. Now go to bed, it's getting late".

I stood up off of the bed. "Goodnight, Anna" she smiled then stood up with me, still wearing only her boxers and a bra. "Goodnight, Charlotte".

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