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It was already evening and i don't have appetite to eat so i decided to just go downstairs to check Jungkook. And turns out that he got to sleep in the sofa while the TV is still on. I walk closer to him and combed his blue hair while staring at his beautiful face and kiss his forehead.  I'll just let him sleep in here and just put blanket on his body to keep him warm. I turn off the TV and headed back to bed.


I was surprise that Jungkook didn't sleep next to me at some point I felt disappointed is he still mad at me?

I get myself ready to go to school after i done working the food we eat for breakfast. It still early so Jungkook is still sleeping, i don't have a choice but to wake him up.

"Kookie?" I wiggle his body a little and he open his eyes but when he saw it was me his expression turn to mad again his really angry but for what reason?

"I'm going to school today Jungkook-ah and I already cook your breakfast, and lunch you can find it in the fridge okay? And if you get bored i have here a novel books you can read them if you want don't just lure yourself on the television okay?" He look at the direction that i pointed the books and nodded.

"But before i go to school i have here a milk i made it for you and i want you to drink it, its good for your health." I walk thru the kitchen table and get the fresh milk i handed it to the blue haired guy and he accept it. He glance at me and then to the milk, a smile form in my face as he obeyed me even though he was mad.

"Your going to see your friend?" He asked after he finish the whole milk in the glass but didn't look at me. "Yes but I'll be back don't worry and don't let yourself starve okay?" He nodded and i smile i pick a kiss on his cheeks and his eyes widen. His cheeks started turn red like a tomato.

"Bye baby I love you." I shouted while closing the front door and headed to school.

"Y/n!" Jimin greeted me with a hug when he saw me in front door of our classroom and i  hug him back. " How are you?" "I'm fine now Chim," He pat my head and we both sit in our perspective chairs and he tell me everything that i missed yesterday. And turns out that the teacher give me assignments for my absences but i didn't complain.


We both enjoy our lunch when suddenly Jungkook comes up to my mind. 'I wonder if he eats his lunch?'

"Y/n are you okay, why aren't you eating?" I got interrupted when Jimin speak "Oh no I'm fine," i started to eat my lunch. Should I tell Jimin about Jungkook or Not? He might freak out or laugh at me he used to make fun of me , and  just decided to not to tell him.

"Y/n i want to say something." His voice become serious and I just nodded saying that 'Go ahead'. "So I have this girl that i like and its been a weeks that i like her would you help me?" As earlier i was so excited and now it fades, my smile fades, and my heart got broken i was being delusional he didn't like me.

"Who is she?" I asked and pretended not to show my real feelings my real emotion. "Her name is Mika remember she used to confess her feelings to me and turns out that i like her too im just in denial at that time." He said joyfully so i guess his feelings is true.

"W-wow Chim I'm sure if you confess she'll definitely be your girlfriend I-i mean she likes you too." I stuttered my eyes started to hurt.

'So this is really the feeling of being heart broken.'

"I hope so, anyways I'm done eating i should get going I'll tell her my feelings now." He get up excitedly and grab his bag and left.

"That was fast. And I'm such a big help to him." I said sarcastically.

I grab my bag  my appetite was now gone I have no energy to see him too I would get my heart broken even more so I just decided to take my time in Jin's Cafe. Since  I didn't go to his Cafe yesterday I'll just go today.


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