Unexpected Fight

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"You would seriously let me do that for your sister back? Hmm, that's too easy then. Let's change it, your sister for your service in my army?" Muzan said changing it hoping for a new strong player. "What's the point of that. It's not normal for demons to stay non-hostile and nice when they become a demon-like she did. They don't side with us normally, so what's the point if I will probably go insane and kill everyone?"

"Hm, so that's a no. What if I was to make you?" Muzan said raising a hand putting Tanjiro on guard and his group ready to attack. "Woah Woah, I was joking. I wouldn't fight you before I am perfected. My army needs perfect and if I am injured I can't do that. I can't do that when I am here either tho since I am busy either these people are so needy, " Muzan started his rant about having to deal with 2 armies at once.

"How about we just make this interesting instead. Small duel The white-haired hero v.s the green-haired hero. You obviously have tension from when I was watching you. So, duel it out if Tanjiro chooses who will win and is correct he gets his sister back. Of course, you will not know who he chooses, so there is no cheating, " the demon brought another offer

"I'm not fighting this baboon, " Sir Nighteye complained turning away from him. "Oh, so you want to fail this mission. Or... Maybe you are just scared, " White Rose teased back itching for a fight.

"Well, what's your guess, " Muzan said whispering as he walked past him. "That's not too hard ----" Tanjiro said sitting in the corner on an old crate.

"Fine then. Tanjiro give me my sword back, " White Rose said holding his hand out for it to be thrown. Tanjiro tossed the sword over, "don't kill each other that's all I ask."

"No promises, " Sir Nighteye said pulling something from his jacket. "This will be fun. There is no count down in war. So go ahead, " Muzan side standing in the corner waiting for the first move.

White Rose summons his tentacle-like arm from his back as his eye changes color. Nighteye holds out the stamps in his hand pointing them towards White Rose.  Nighteye fired a stamp towards the white-haired hero who put his tentacle out to catch it only for it to burst the second it was touched by the stamp.  Sir Nighteye jumped toward him as he was a bit distracted by his missing limb. A sword whips towards the other hero as Rose looks up to him.  Rose caught the sword that was now flying back to him after it was launched.  

Rose took his sword and pointed it towards Nughteye who had already jumped back.  "You already used your vision haven't you?  You needed to find which one they were in. now you're like a defenseless puppy dog," White teased firing a jolt of electricity towards Nighteye.  The elder hero threw a stamp which absorbed the electricity.  Nighteye didn't react to his teasing and continued on.  The heroes continued to fight White losing his patience and starting to get reckless. 

"Hm, they would be great for my army don't you think?" Muzan said to Tanjiro who tuned him out since he needed him alive.  White Rose had enough of the back and forth with SIr Nighteye just dodging all of his attacks.  He brought in his tentacles and brought out another sword, so he could focus on those instead.  Nighteye kept calm, but he was starting to lose form and was getting tired of this back and forth.  Both heroes were covered in bruises and scratches huffing stopping the fight for a second.   

They started right after and went back at it swing miss swing miss.  Soon enough Sir Nighteye had knocked a sword out of Roses hand.  "OH COME ON THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!" White Rose said swinging a near-miss towards  Sir Nighteye who reacted fast and hit him in the head with a stamp knocking out the second hero.  "That took too long I ran out of patience. Did you bet right or not kid i want the fuck out of here already?" Sir NIghteye said growing even more impatient.  

"In fact, he did Mr. Future Vison," Muzan said clapping sarcastically.  "I thought he would have guessed Mr.Tenticals over there," Nighteye said rolling his eyes pointing to the hero on the ground.  "No, he could have beat you if he was in the right headspace.  He was too annoyed and impatient to fight he wanted to end it quick, so no I guessed on you," Tanjiro says walking over and picking up his trainer off the ground ad walking over to Muzan setting him against the wall.  

"Now my sister that was the deal we dealt with you and did our part.  It's your turn."

"Hm, that was the deal fine, " Muzan hit a brick on the wall behind him cracking it.  The wall shifted and opened revealing a small room.  "Release her," Muzan said in a stern voice moving from the door by a few feet.  Little footsteps were heard as a figure ran out the door.  Nighteye went on guard and Tanjiro dropped his sword.  "Nezuko?!" Tanjiro opened his arms and the little demon girl jumped to him.  "I missed you Nezuko."

"Well there we go.  I'd love to have a brawl with you, but I'd rather not ruin this moment. Till another day," Muzan said disappearing into the shadows of the wall.  "Well I will contact the others you keep your demon sister in check," the hero said looking at the tiny sibling.

The others all raided the building heroes, police, News, and Special Forces.  The villains were gone, but the main goal was reached.  Retrieve the demon sister...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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