Flying enchanted car

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The date was now 1st September which means that school was starting today. Hermione and Bree decided that Bree would leave one day early and sleep over with Hermione because they wanted to have girls day.

The clock was 10:30 and the Granger family and Bree was walking on the platform so the girl could get an empty compartment early.

"Thank you for having me over Jean and Andrew" Bree thanked Hermiones parents.

"It was a pleasure dear" Hermiones mum said.

"You're always welcome to our home" Hermiones dad said smiling.

The girls bid their goodbyes and walked into the platform 9 3/4 and into the train to find an empty compartment and waiting for Ron and Harry.

28 minutes later walked Harry and the Weasley's late towards the platform.

"10:58, come on come on, Fred, George, Percy you first" Mr Weasley said.

They boys did as he said and walked through the platform between 9 and 10. Ginny, Molly and Arthur soon followed after her and walked to find a seat to Ginny.

Meanwhile the boys were on the muggle station and watched as the others were walking through.

"Let's go" Harry said and Ron nodded.

They ran towards the wall but instead of running through they crashed into the wall and everything flew out of their trollies as they fell to the ground groaning.

The train host man walked towards them looking confused.

"Oi! What do you two think you're doing?" The man asked.

"Sorry. Lost control of the trolley" Harry said while rubbing his arm.

The man shakes his head disapprovingly and walked away and Harry turned towards Ron.

"Why can't we get through?"

"I don't know. The gateway has sealed itself for some reason"

The clock was now 11.

"The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it"

"Harry.. if we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back"

"Maybe we should just wait by the car"

Ron frowned deeply and frowned even more as if he had realized something. Harry frowned at his confusion.

"The car"

And they just came up with the brilliant idea to fly with Ron's Dad's car and they flew up in the air.

"Ron, I should tell you... most muggles aren't accustomed to see a flying car"

"Ehh... right"

Ron clicked on a button and the car became invisible. They flied for maybe two hours and Harry started to talk by then.

"Ron, please do me a favor"

"What favor?"

"Don't tell Bree about this. She will go insane and ramble a lot of... things"

"She'll have my head if I tell her of course not, both her and Hermione are scaring me sometimes"

"Oh yeah"

They flew a bit more and soon enough the car got visible again. Ron tried to make the car invisible but it didn't work.

"Oh no! The invisibility booster must be faulty!"

"Come on then, let's go lower. We need to find the train"


Meanwhile on the train the girls was chatting a while before Hermione started to read. Bree had already read all of the year two books that they needed and she could tell that the DADA teacher was very full of himself. She was so bored so she was already done reading all her books for grade two. Suddenly she realized.

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