Things that scare me

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Hi, how are you? It is 2:45 am in India and wake up quite early. I don't feel like getting up so I am writing this part under my blanket.

I wake because of a weird dream, and it was not a good dream, kind of nightmare. I was attacked by a crow. I am scared of them.

Another thing that scares me very much is traffic, my feet freeze when I see too many cars and especially trucks.

I know the reason. When I was young, I went on a walk with my pet dog "Sheru" and while crossing the road a big truck appeared in front of me and it was moving at a fast speed, I prepared myself to get hit by this truck. I closed my eyes but I found myself on the ground. Sheru pushed me, he saved me but he died on spot. I wept and run to the home to call the elder person to save him, my knees and elbows were all badly bruised when my Dad saw me like this he panicked and immediately picked me up. I told him about Sheru and he ran their calling mom and I was with my mother when he and my uncle buried him. I cried a lot.

Since then I am very precautious about road crossing. I surely had died if I was not saved by him.

Thank you for saving my life Sheru. I missed you. I hope wherever you are, you are happy and in a better place.

Many other things scared me as well but we'll talk about it some other time because I am feeling low now.

I guess bye for now.

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