Chapter 73: Halloween Party.

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(hmmm.... every yandere do be sus🤨 italic is a flashback)

The murderer hummed a song as they dragged a blue body bag contained Bob's dead body... His dead body was cut into pieces. They dragged his body into a forest, as soon as they found a good spot to leave the body, they left it there. They let out a smirk, "...I sure hope they find his body and identify him... It'd be fun to see his death announced on tv..." the murderer mumbled. 

They soon looked at their watch, '11:01 PM'. "Hmm... I should head home before I raise any suspicion..." they mumbled. "I need to get ready for tomorrow night... It's the Halloween Party. I wonder how Y/n's going to dress up... She said she'd bring a sexy witch costume... I'm excited." they added. "Well then... Goodbye Bob... Only I can have Y/n." they let out a sadistic laugh. While the murderer was focused on Bob's dead body, they didn't notice a certain someone watching all of this happen. 

Who was the one who witnessed this you ask? Well... The one who witnessed it is closer than you think... But the murderer you ask..?? Well it's too soon for you to know... Let's just say... That this person, is at the Halloween Party

You looked at Zenitsu's pikachu costume and let out a wheeze, "What the fuck... I... I can't fucking bre- HAHAHAH!!" You laughed as you pointed at Zenitsu's poor Pikachu costume. "Hey! this shit was 10 dollars, I was on a tight budget." he spoke out, his costume was that he had a yellow shirt, yellow pants, yellow socks and shoes, his body was also painted in yellow. His cheeks also had that iconic red circle that looked like a blush, he also wore a pikachu ear headband. "Y-You... Look so fucking stupid!!" you wheezed. 

"W-Whatever!" Zenitsu stuttered. You soon felt someone behind you, you turned to see Muichirou with a with blanket on him. You let out a shriek in suprise, "Oh my god! I can't believe that scared me!" you spoke out. Muichirou let out a chuckle, he then looked at your witch onesie. "I didn't think you'd actually go with a onesie..." he commented. "Says the guy with a generic ghost costume." you replied. 

You soon looked around to see Kaigaku doing something... Sus to the drinks... But you brushed it off as soon as you noticed Uzui with his three girlfriends, the four of them wore a teenage mutant ninja turtles costume. Uzui is Leonardo, Hinatsu is Donatello, Makio is Raphael while Suma is Michaelangelo. Hinatsu soon noticed you looking at them and waved her hand while giving you a small smile. You waved back at her and soon they notice you, Makio soon motioned you to come to them. 

You looked around to see if she was talking to anyone, you pointed at yourself in question. Makio nodded her head, you awkwardly walked towards the four of them. "Omg! Is she the Vice President?? I didn't think she'd be so adorable!" Suma commented, "Your costume is cute Y/n." Hinatsu commented while Makio only fixed your costume a little. You didn't know how to reply towards this as you stood there awkwardly. Uzui let out a chuckle, he soon noticed that Kyojuro was calling for him. "Well, I'll be back, my girls." he spoke out, the three of them nodded and soon all of their attention was on you. 

(Uzui, if your looking for a 4th wife I'm willing *tucks hair behind ear)

"Can I hug you??" Suma asks, "Why would you ask that all of the sudden? You two aren't even close." Makio commented as she crossed her arms. "I didn't ask you, I asked Y/n." Suma replied while Makio rolled her eyes. While Suma and Makio were bickering, Hinatsu soon approached you. "It must be hard right? To be a Vice President while people treat you like that..." She spoke out. "Well, Good job Y/n. I don't know if anyone has told you that yet, you deserve it. We heard good things about you, from the student council and even our boyfriend." she added. 

You looked at her with admiration, "You can always come to us if you have any problems." she whispered in your ear. You were shocked by what she had said, "T-Thank you..." you spoke out. She gave you a smile as a reply, looks like Hinatsu, Suma, and Makio were going to kind of be like your older sisters... Or aunts... Or cousins... You should ask your father, Blake, for confirmation. 

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