chapter 72

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Andrew smiled walking out of the gate to see Emma waiting for him. She waved at him and he started walking towards her With his bag in his hand .

Emma jumped on him and he laughed as his bag fell to the ground and he wrapped his arm around her.

She laughed kissing his cheek and then pulling away to rest her forehead against his .

"I missed you!", Emma said and Andrew gently put her back to the floor and then kissed her lips. "I missed you too beautiful" .

She smiled and then grabbed his hand as he lifted his bag off the ground and walked out of the Airport. They have talked a lot this past week and came to a decision that Andrew will stay with her at her flat.

Harry told Andrew about the marriage and Andrew was shocked and surprised. He still doesn't believe that Harry was marrying Paige. And on top of that the wedding is set to be next week.

Andrew asked Emma about Taylor and she told him she wasn't doing fine at all. She would put a smile around Emma and Lucy but Emma saw behind her smile and she saw the pain and regret in her eyes.

Andrew and Emma know they have to do something to stop this wedding and tell Harry the truth but Emma once again tried talking to Taylor just last night but Taylor refused. She told Emma that if she tells Harry she would never forgive her which put Emma in an awkward spot .


Harry stepped out of his car and fixed his tie as he walked to the door of Styles mansion. He walked inside and found people running everywhere.

His mother promised the best wedding for Harry and Paige. Even though it was just a short period the place look amazing. But Harry didn't care about that. 

He walked straight to his room and locked the door behind him. He sighed as he fell down on his bed and covered his face with a pillow. 

He stayed like that until his phone started ringing. He sat up on the bed and pulled it out of his pocket.

"Hello mate!", He said as he took off his tie with his free hand. "Hi Harry. How are you?", Andrew said at the other end of the line.

"I'm good. And you?"

"I'm great, Listen Harry are you free right now?".

"Yes, why ?"

"Because i need you for something really important"

"What is it Andrew?".

"I can't talk on the phone, we need to meet".

"OK, Where?".

"I'll text you the address"

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