45: I hate you the most, Haru.

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"It's been awhile, Eunbi... how are you?"
Jay awkwardly asked, looking at Ms.Nam with a soft smile and looking around after to find haru. She doesn't seem to be in the place just yet. Perhaps, he came too early. He gazed at ms. Nam who was just smiling at him the entire time. A mischievous smile. very sly.

"very well. How about you?"
she asked, leaning on the railings next to them and adoring the beauty of the Han River.

"Pretty good... It's nice to see you recovering after..."

"After Yeseul's death. yeah, it's nice."
She sighed, faking a smile. Jay nodded his head and pursed his lips, slowly feeling awkward since it's been awhile since the two of them talked.

He wasn't lying when he said Yeseul wasn't his first love but Jiwon.

Yeseul... was one of the women he used to fling when he was still younger. He was still innocent back then, just want to play with girls for fun. he never really loved her and he told her that. still, Yeseul agreed on a one-sided relationship with him.

With only her loving. The reason why he let her do that?

it was her death wish. she was already bed-ridden at a very young age, observed with stage 3 leukemia. he held her tight until her last breath. Yeseul... was a memorable person. a friend to him.

yes, yeseul died already.

But it wasn't because of him. She never committed suicide. Ms. Nam just want to blame someone for her bestfriend's death.

"I heard your relationship is now complicated.."
Jay froze from his location, hearing Ms. Nam's words. he gazed at her, she's smirking at him as if she knows something.

"Poor little Jay doesn't know how to fix a relationship..."
she whispered, chuckling.


he wants to know how did she knew. Did Haru told her? Did someone close to them told her?

"Jeon Haru, The name sounds familiar?"
he began feeling anxious and scared. he walked closer to her, staring at her eyes.

"What did you do to her?"
he asked, on a low tone, A slight hint of warning on his voice.

"What? I didn't do anything to her.." She smiled at him, eventually turning into a chuckle, "Instead, she did something to you." she whispered, making his forehead crease.

"What do you mean by that?" his glare intensifies, holding Eunbi's arm.

Eunbi smiled at him again.

She holds the greatest weapon that will destroy them.

And now, It's the time to tell him.

Jiwon and Haru left her with no choice.

tell him the truth.

The crooked truth.

"50 Million. I didn't know you were worth just that much."
she laughed in ridicule.

"What do you...."
he began to understand everything, he didn't even have to finish his sentence to realize it.

"a deal."
she whispered, antagonizing his mind.

"For Jeon Haru, loving you was just a deal..."
she concealed her laughter seeing how his eyes lose its glow, "It was for 50 million.. As far as I can recall, She only need to make you fall for her, and then break you apart again! funny isn't it? Just like how you are back then..."

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