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Here you goooo!

Harry's hands are hidden in his jacket when he knocks on Liam's door two days later. He can already feel the anger of his brother. He has been hiding from him the past two days because of the article from Harry, Andreas and Louis.

Yup, this is the end of Harry Styles.

"You decided to show your face again." Liam doesn't look amused at all. "Ready to explain everything to me? Had time enough to make up some excuses. "

"I'm done making excuses." Harry sighs. "I'm done hurting people with my lies."

And Liam's look goes from angry to sad in a second and he leads his brother into his room.

"Harry, what's happening? Let me get you some water." Liam walks over to his fridge and hands his brother the small bottle.

"I messed everything up, Liam. I'm hurting everyone I love and you are going to be so fucking angry with me and..."

"Hey, hey breath Harry." Liam comforts his brother. "Go ahead, tell me. I promise I will listen to you. First of all I really want to know what Andreas was doing in your arms and why Louis looked ready to kill him but also himself."

And tears are rolling down Harry's cheeks.

"I was in the stadium with Louis, helping him to get to his game. I didn't know he played against Germany and then there he was. But before that I can tell you the whole story I need to tell you something else. You're going to be fucking angry Liam but I want you to know that I don't regret it."

Liam nods, giving his brother an expecting look.

Harry inhales and exhales deeply, biting his lip and his eyes are closed when he says the words.

"Louis and I were in a relationship."

And Harry expect to hear his brother yell at him, kick him out of the room and scream that he is irresponsible, but instead he hears his brother laugh.

"So finally you have the guts to tell me."

Harry opens his eyes to give his brother a questioning look.

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew Harry. I'm not stupid. You are always together, Louis has been trying to get on my good side for a while, you can't stop touching each other and you are literally sharing a room. I have eyes and a brain, Harry."

And Harry's jaw literally drops.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew!" Harry screams. "Fuck it would have solved so much!" He starts to cry and Liam grabs him by the wrists.

"It was up to you to tell me, Harry." Liam explains. "I don't know what happened but you can't just let it out on me. But I guess it has something to do with that picture and the Louis and I were in a relationship..."

"I've been so stupid." Harry mumbles. And he explains the story, Andreas blackmailing him, the fight in the lobby, Louis leaving him.

"H, I know I've been hard on you when it comes to dating, for sure my colleagues but... Were you that scared?" Liam's eyes are sad and Harry is ashamed. "I mean, when I had my suspicions about the two of you dating I was pretty pissed at first, I will admit but Harry... You are my brother okay? I'd always support you."

"I think I knew deep down, Li." Harry whispers. "And I also think I kind of used it as an excuse. I was just scared because I never felt like this myself and I for sure never had someone loving me the way Louis does, did, I don't know. I'm used to one night stands and just being left the night after but Louis always stayed, always cared, looked at me in a way that I can't describe."

"And you look back at him the exactly same way, H." Liam says. "And just know that I can never disapprove of someone that loves my brother and cares about him. You know when I knew that he was good for you?"

Harry shakes his head.

"Remember that you, Zayn, Louis and I had breakfast together? And he called me out for 'slutshaming' you?"

Harry nods. He remembers that pretty well.

"That time it was really clear to me that he cared about you and about nothing else. He didn't care that he would be on my 'wrong side' he just wanted to protect you, stand up for you H."

"And I let him go and I don't know what to do, Liam." Harry sobs. "I haven't seen him in two days. I tried to knock on his door but Zayn always sent me away, giving me that sorry look. I don't want us to end like this, Liam. I love him okay? And Andreas means fucking nothing to me, I hate him and I hate myself for letting Louis think that I care more about him than I do about my own fucking boyfriend. I have no clue how to fix this."

"What's something special to the two of you?" Liam asks.

"The garden..." Harry whispers. "It's really special to us."

"Then go there. Maybe you'll get some inspiration. I don't know him like you do, Harry."

And he follows his brother's advice, going to the garden. And his eye falls on a specific something, giving Harry an idea and he hopes it works because the world cup is almost ending and their relationship can't end with it. 

This story almost comes to an end. Could you all go to my profile please, I posted a message with possible new books. Could you vote for them in the comments of the post please? Thanks a lot guys xoxo

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