Chapter 37: Like a whale

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 Athena's POV

It's been over a month since my parents died in front of my eyes. Nothing has been the same, no more daily phone calls, no more I love you no more anything. "Bambina come on we need to go to your appointment" Lucky comes out of the closet putting on a white t-shirt.

I nod walking downstairs with him seeing Santo and Aurora sitting in the living room together. he dogs lay at their feet sleeping one on top of the other. "We'll be back in a while. Do you need anything?" I ask Santo who shakes his head no. Lucky wraps his arm around my waist leading me into the garage.

Of course he picks his favorite Matt black Mercedes S class. He holds my hand driving out of the long driveway. "How are you feeling Amore?" I trace the new tattoo he got in honor of his mom. He sighs licking the bottom of his lip giving me a quick look. "The pain is still here it always will be but I've been replacing the bad with the good. I don't know what else to say '' He grabs my thigh driving one handedly.

He looks so fuckable right now if only I didn't look like a whale.

"You heard nothing I said did you?" Lucky snapped me out of my thoughts" Bambina I asked how were you feeling?" I don't even know how I feel. My heart hurts everyday but the pain eases with it. "I mean my heart feels heavy. I miss them more than anything but I know they wouldn't want us to be upset. Rather celebrate their life." He gives me a small smile lifting my hand up bringing it up to his lips.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot he rushes to get me out of the car. "I got you" I stand up Lucky goes behind me making sure I don't fall. Walking in, the nurse nods at us as we go to the back waiting in our usual room.

"Okay Athena you know the drill lifts your shirt so I can start your ultrasound. Has he been moving a lot?" Bianca walks in putting on a pair of gloves shutting the light off.

The projector turns on waiting for the cold gel to be spread across my stomach. Lucky holds my hand resting his head on my arm. "Yeah he's been moving a lot lately" She writes something on her clipboard before the cool gel gets rubbed on my stomach.

"There he is a healthy baby boy" My son comes up on the projector bringing a huge smile to my face. Lucky's head comes off of my arm looking at his son moving. "His due date is for June 19th exactly 9 months after your birthday, Athena" Bianca smirks at her, bringing a blush to my face.

His heartbeat brings music to my ears and a permanent smile to my face. He kicks my stomach again making me wince in pain. "He'll probably be doing that a lot. Now that you are 8 months old, false labor or Braxton hicks can occur. If you feel any pain or think you're going into labor, come in." She turns on the light shutting of the projector.

Lucky got the paper towel wiping the gel off my stomach helping me sit up. "Here are your pictures as usual. He's healthy and looks like he's going to come right on time" I take the sonogram pictures of her looking at him.

He's not even here yet but I love him with everything I have left. Bianca walks out of the room leaving me and Lucky to look at our pictures. I manage to get off the bed waddling to the door Lucky laughing. Yeah you try being pregnant. "Bambina I got you" He holds my arm bringing me to his side. My arm goes around his torso leaning my head on his shoulder.

"My favorite pregnant person, how are you?" Enzo comes out from behind the desk. I'm fucking tired and hungry not a good combination. "I'm managing how are you?" I hand him the sonogram pictures and he opens them grinning from ear to ear.

"Busy lately a lot of people have been breaking their bones. I'm surprised Leo isn't here because of that or Santo and Adriano. He's so big you'll probably be able to take him home in 2 days instead of staying the week" He hands them back to Lucky running his hand through his hair.

"I hope so" Enzo gets called on the loudspeaker and that's his cue to go back to work. Why the fuck is sitting in a car so fucking hard I swear they need to make cars just for pregnant people. "Amore can we go to the beach?" I stare at his sharp jaw line unclenching his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down.

Plus he's my fiancé could he be anymore made for me? "Of course bambina let's go" He turns the other way heading to the beach. The sun starts to turn different shades of orange looking like a beautiful ombré. They blend well into each other like they meant to merge.

The sound of waves crashing on the beach brings music to my ears while the smell of the ocean brings a home feeling. Lucky helps me out of the car sitting on the sand. I immediately feel more at peace. Where did the time go?

I came here with Alessandro when I was nine, now I'm 21, engaged with a kid and another one on the way. When did life speed up? I don't think ive ever really sat back and thought about it. Now that I am actually doing that it's kind of scary. Life really does flash in the blink of an eye. I went from seeing the light of life for the first time to having a kid who's going to do the same. 

Growing a life is scary. I constantly worry about if Im going to be a good mom or not. Santo always tells me how great I am to him but Santo has been grateful  from the start. This is literally from square one. 

I don't know how to give brith. Bianca is helping and preparing me but everyone is different. "What are you thinking about?" Lucky takes me out of my thought. He kisses my forehead pulling me closer to his side "About the baby I don't want him to grow up to hate me" I sigh 

"Trust me Bambina your already the best mother"

We stay at the beach a little longer soaking up all the beautiful memories we have here. On the drive back to the house Mia calls us that she's their with, Adriano, Gabriele,  Leo and Emma. Santo told me he and Rory had already made food so I didn't have to worry about it. I swear I love him more and more each day. 

Such an amazing child I have. I feel so proud to say that it makes me happy. "Im going to take a quick shower" I tell Lucky once he pulls up to the house. "Do you need me to help you go upstairs?" I shake my head no waddling up them. 

Turning on the warm shower head I let it hit my body feeling the tingling sensation. Washing my body quickly I step out drying myself throwing on something random. 

I waddle downstairs sitting in my chair at the dining room. "Took you long enough im hungry" Adriano groans digging into his food. I don't respond not wanting to snap at him.

My hormones have been all over the place. "Bambina how are you feeling?" Lucky asks me holding my hand. "I'm good my stomach just hurts a bit" I slowly eat my food because the baby is always kicking my stomach.

I thought it was contractions at first but Bianca said it wasn't when she checked. "Sup people Im here" Enzo walks in placing a kiss on Biancas forehead sitting down. I don't know why but I start to cry. "Why are you crying?" Lucky asks wiping my face pulling me close to him. 

"I don't know I just feel like crying" Adriano shakes his head my instinct is to throw a knife at him so that's what I did. "Why'd you do that?" He looks at me with fear. I honestly have no idea. These fucking hormones I swear. 

"I don't know" I start to cry again everyone looks at me weird. Fucking Lucky genes this baby has  no doubt. 


Hey guys! 

I hope you liked this chapter better than the last one 

Q/A- What is your goal for the new year?

1460 Words 

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Till next time! 


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