034. dungeon

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"father..?" a voice spoke.

ezekiel and brooklyn turned towards the voice's direction from behind them, it was josh.

"son! my boy!" ezekiel chuckled nervously, "why aren't you at the party..?"

"who did you just throw off that balcony..?" evan asked with a horrid look on his face.

"i don't believe i follow.. why don't we all just go back in there and enjoy the party!" ezekiel chuckled once more, attempting to move passed them, resulting into the boys shoving him back to his original spot. "listen, boys. i have no clue on what is going on here, i am clearly just enjoying my evening by taking deep breaths! and, even talking to the future queen of etheria."

"i will not allow a lady like her to rule this kingdom." clarisse spoke sternly, disappointed in her son.

josh knew his father was hiding something, he knows how he lies. how dare he lie straight into his son's face.

"future queen? why are you changing the topic, sir? i want you to answer my question this instant."

"oh? so now that you're the king, you think you can speak to your father however you want? tsk. tsk. tsk. not a wise move, josh."

"don't call me that."

"i really think we should—"

"you shut up, boy!" ezekiel scolded evan, causing him to keep his lips sealed, "son, we should talk about this, please..."

"what's there to talk about? you constantly refuse on answering your own son, now you're trying to guilt trip me into talking to you? what are you hiding, father, and who was on that balcony." josh spoke, speaking with a strict tone.

"listen, boy. we can all forget about this and just enjoy the rest of the ball." brooklyn spoke.

"we aren't leaving until we get answers." evan spoke, giving the two a glare.

"since when were you in charge?"

"father, as much as i enjoy this charade, i would appreciate if you admit who that was and what you've done tonight." josh replied, his tone sounding calm.

josh wasn't calm, however. he was furious, he knew his father was lying and was keeping something from him.

"charade? no, we are just—"

"tell me now, father." he scolded, gripping ezekiel's collar.

"i would rather get sent down to the dungeon than to tell you." ezekiel replied, shoving josh off of him.

evan nodded, "alright. as you wish, your highness. guards!"

four guards entered the balcony, holding ropes in their hands. they began to tie ezekiel's and brooklyn's hands behind their backs, holding them back from attempting to escape.

"i will come back, i always come back! one day, you'll be sorry, son."

"i should've done this a long time ago. i don't regret a thing.. now, before you two go down to the dungeon, all i ask is one thing." josh spoke, approaching the two as he clasped his hands together. "who was on this balcony."

"take a lucky guess, will you? who is the one person you haven't seen all night?" ezekiel asked, a growing grin showing on his face.

as the guards took the two away, josh stared at the ground for a moment, thinking of that one person.

"josh? are you alright?" evan asked, looking at josh with a concerned look on his face, "who do you think that one person is..?"

a moment of realization hit them all, it made josh feel sick to his stomach. he looked in the distance, a horrid expression plastered onto his face.


clarisse held a hand up, covering her mouth, "oh dear.."

"meda. it was andromeda."

THE MOON WILL SING ✮ J. HUTCHERSONWhere stories live. Discover now