10. "Huh"

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okay we are pretending that Leah shifted before Jacob (Seth still later) okay? Okay cool


Friday had finally arrived, though I have to say the week hadn't been as horrible as I had presumed.

We were going to work on our history project today but I presume we will do it tomorrow or Sunday instead as we have different plans for us to do right now.

After school, I got a text from Paul saying someone would pick me up as it was raining. I got my coat and made my way to the kitchen to grab a quick snack to please my stomach. My aunt and uncle were out so I text them that I was going out and waited for my ride.

I heard a honk outside so I looked out the window and saw Leah waiting in her car. I grabbed my coat and keys and made my way outside, down the drive and to the car. As soon as I got in, I was greeted by a smiling Leah. It was nice. She had a pretty smile. It suited her though, this smile was a mix of happiness and nerves and it made me anxious.

Once we pulled up, Leah grabbed my arm, "okay, things are about to get a little weird but just try not to freak out okay?"

"Okay." I said, slightly unsure.

Our conversation was interrupted when a girl stormed towards Sam, Paul and the others. I heard Leah mutter the name 'Bella Swan' under her breathe. She clearly isn't a fan of this Bella girl.

Me and Leah got out of the car and headed towards them before seeing Bella slap Paul. Leah stopped dead in her tracks and grabbed my wrist and pulling me back slightly, making me stop too. I looked at her confused until she nodded towards Paul and I saw him shaking. In a matter of seconds Bella was running away from the boys (though failing miserably as she stumbled over her feet and onto the ground practically crawling away), Jacob (who had come from the house next to me and Leah) was running towards the boys and Paul... well he was a wolf?

I could feel Leah's gaze on me analysing my reaction but all I could think of was, "Huh," so he's a wolf? That makes no sense. "Yeah I get what you mean. That's a little weird."

Leah couldn't help but let out a surprised and relived laugh at the fact that I wasn't running for my life. And to be honest, I was surprised too. Maybe I was in shock or something?

As Paul and Jacob fought in wolf form, the boys drove Bella down to Emily's and Leah drove me. She explained pretty much everything on the way but said there was something called 'imprinting' that Paul would have to tell me personally. She also assured me that both Paul and Jacob would be just fine. We got there before Bella and headed inside.

I saw Emily baking, Leah sat down quietly, not taking much notice of Emily. I smiled as she said, "welcome to the pack," she seemed really sweet and perfect for Sam. Though, I do understand Leah's frustrations, it can't be easy seeing the man you loved move on with someone else in front of your eyes and have to watch them being happy together whilst she has no one. Especially with the whole telepathic link. That must be rough. Though, she said the situation is gradually becoming more bearable over time.

Little did Elizabeth know, she would become the main reason Leah was able to get out of her depressingly lonely heartbreak and move on by showing her she deserved love whether she was setting her up on dates, or just being there as a friend to hang out with and rant to, Lizzie would always be there for the people she cared about, Leah being one of them.

"Thanks I guess," I replied with a laugh, "it's nice to meet you, I didn't get a chance to talk to you at the bonfire."

"Oh don't worry about it. Speaking of bonfires, we are having another tonight, you should come. The elders will be talking about all the stories and legends and stuff, you and Bella should come along."

"Sure, sounds fun."

Bella and two of the boys came in next. Bella seemed quite uncomfortable though, seeing my paler skin, probably figured I wasn't a shapeshifter and relaxed as she saw me, another person who was just as confused as her.

Me and Bella started taking, she even told me about the Cullens' though her weak smile faltered more at the mention of them. You could tell something had happened there and most likely that she had been broken by them, more specifically 'Edward'.

I can't believe I had been living in a world of vampires and werewolves and had no idea.

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