S4: Ep 35 - The Invitation

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A dark hooded figure suiting a black mask bursts through Ninjago's Police Department. Papers go flying as the wind surges through. Police immediately point their weapons at the figure, but the cloaked figure walks down the room, not batting an eye. As they walk towards the elevator, a shaky officer stepped into their view.

"S-Stop r-r-right there." The figure steps forward, causing the man to gulp, "Or I'll s-shoot." Sweating under the pressure and how nerve-wracking this is. Face to face with the Tranquility.

The mysterious figure presses their chest against the edge of the gun. Eyes narrowed at the man, causing him to whimper before quickly stepping out of the way. Reaching the elevator, they press the button to go up. A ding came from the elevator and the doors slide open. They step inside and as the doors close, they observe the reactions in the room.

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After the death of Zane and the split-up of the ninja, (Y/n) took up the mantle as Tranquility. Sure he stayed in contact with Lloyd and the Senseis but he wanted a new start. His identity is a secret, not wanting the image of the ninja to be ruined by him. At night he's Tranquility but during the day, he's a ninja. But right now, being Tranquility, a different person, is helping him cope through this. Like it always was from the beginning.

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Tranquility walks through the Chief's doors and walks up to the desk facing him, "I need the file on the Anacondrai Cultists."

A women in her early 60s: her gray curly hair in a professional bun and fitting a standard bang style to the side of her face, in black uniform with a red tie; sat at the desk. On her badge is her title: Commissioner of NC. She was looking through files from her reading glasses before she was interrupted. She sighs before taking off the glasses and put down the papers she was reading, "You won't let up, can you? I keep telling you. I can't give you classified information."

"I've been on their trail for months and I need the file. There's more to the story and it can lead to finding-"


Tranquility eyes narrowed lightly at her before sliding a file across the desk, "Here's the location of the center of the trafficking ring going on in Honware Village. They're using the river, Mantabi, as transport. Sabertooth will be heading back there to meet up with his brother and the others. I advise you to go there tonight."

Commissioner Maine looks through it, "Hmm. Where'd you put the people, the traffickers, and Tiger: the brother?"

"Outside. Send more than one unit to the warehouse to get the drop on Saber, I'll personally question Tiger." He goes to leave the room but halts at the words of the Commissioner.

"Thank you, Detective. Without you, I'd fear criminals would be running Ninjago already."

Tranquility thinks about it, frowning behind his mask at the thought of a group appearing in his head. "There's always the ninja you can count on." He steps out of the room, the door closing while the Commissioner watches, a mournful expression on her face.


It was a normal night in Ninjago City. Cars honking as they are stuck in traffic. The multi-color lights light up the city. Citizens walk down the streets or look inside a shop's window in search of what they are planning to buy.

Tranquility watched the crowdy and live city from afar: a building towering over the people of Ninjago. He sat there, observing the city as the wind breezes by. When he was mindlessly looking around, he spot a figure hiding in the shadow of a back ally. He was gonna overturn it since it would typically be people fooling around but this one was different. What resulted in this conclusion was a crowbar being lodged into a window seal.

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