Chapter 1

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My mind wandered as I sat at the dinner table with my father,mom and younger sister. Silence filled the room like usual.

"Ellette Evangeline," my father broke the silence,stopping me from creating anymore scenarios in my head.

"Yes,father?" I replied,picking my fork up trying to make it look like I was eating.

"Your letter came..." He said,waiting for some sort of reaction out of me.

"oh,I...uhh...thank you,"

"It should be on your bed,I requested Cally to take it up"

Cally was our house elf and pretty much the only one who liked me except my mom.

"May I be excused?" I really just wanted to see if he was lying.

"Go on." My father replied coldly.

"Why me?" I asked myself as I walked up the stairs to my room.

There on my bed was a letter along with Cally sitting cross legged on the floor.

"You know you are allowed to sit in a chair,right?" I asked Cally, I've known her forever and loved her dearly.

"Ella knows that master would punish me," her high voice trembled speaking of my father.

"I wouldn't let him do anything too you" I mean it ,although I knew if something would've happened, I wouldn't be able to do something.

I sat down on my bed and inhaled deeply and exhaled for what felt like a few milliseconds but was supposed to be far longer,anything to put off reading this stupid letter.

I opened the envelope,noticing it had already been opened. Probably my father. The crest was pretty and caught my attention.

"Dear Miss Velonté..." the letter started. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry..." before I could read further I tore the letter up leaving it on the floor in pieces.


"They are making a mistake" I said to Cally ,who just stared at me

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"They are making a mistake" I said to Cally ,who just stared at me.

And there it was a small piece of paper left ,telling me what the necessities were for my very first year. Its was only July 31. Nothing special. I still had loads of time. I didn't really fit into the muggle world but I also never fit into the wizarding world.

People saw me as a little different,there hadn't been any evidence of magic in my body. I am a pure blood so no one ever questioned me out loud, don't know why status matters though.

Everyone is human and should be treated equally. Apparently I shouldn't feel that way and never say that out loud again after my father slapped me across the face questioning him after my 9th birthday party,before punishing me by locking me in the basement for the rest of my birthday.

My mother worked for the Ministry as a judge. She believes in fairness. She is rather talented and powerful,my father was head of the Department of Mysteries. I wasn't allowed to know what he did precisely. I just knew people took both my parents seriously. Apparently feared me because of my father,even though I was more like my mother.

"Do we have to go today?" I questioned knowing I would probably be ignored or pushed aside.

"Yes, Ellette Evangeline" I hate how my father says my name. I wish I could have a normal, trusting relationship with him,maybe he would call me Ella like my mom did.

"I don't like traveling with floo powder" I said only to be ignored. "Diagon alley!" I said clearly. My father,mom and sister followed close behind me.

I've never seen Diagon alley so busy. I watched myself walk in every window I walked past and swept my finger on every book I saw. We went to fit my robes because in dear father's opinion "Only the best". It makes me gag thinking about how he talks about these things.

I came to a stop in front of a store that would make everything real for me. OLLIVANDERS read in big letters on the front of the store. My mother pushed money into my hands, that's not very like her.

She was being pulled away by Valerie. Of course. I loved my sister but she's definitely the favourite. I took a deep breath and reach for the doorknob.

The place took my breath away,even though it was a mess ,it made my heart flutter. A vase was broken and glasses stretched across the floor and drawers were thrown out of the wall.

"... but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you,after all He-Who-Must-not-Be-Named did great things,terrible...yes...but great." I heard a old man say in a soft voice,his back was turned too me but I noticed his grey hair sticking out on all ends and that he was talking to a black haired boy.

My thoughts are interrupted by a very large man knocking on the window showing a snowy owl. The dark haired boy seem to know the man as his eyes scanned the room. He stopped,only to make eye contact with me.

"Miss Velonté!" The old man said quite loudly which broke our eye contact. I rushed forward to great the old man, shaking his hand. Father would approve of this action. Then the boy was gone.       .

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