にじゅういち - Twenty One

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"Torinooo!! Midoriyaa!!" Kirishima called them and both turned to the direction of his voice seeing the boy running to them

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"Torinooo!! Midoriyaa!!" Kirishima called them and both turned to the direction of his voice seeing the boy running to them.

"Kirishima-kun." said Izuku.

"Are you guys ok?!" he asked worried.

"We're..." Y/n was close to answer when she realized the situation they were in.

Yabai (This is bad)!

He can't come!!

If he approached he would see All Might in his weak state. Just an exchange of glares with Toshinori told her the same thought was crossing his mind and it definitely wasn't something he wished to happen. Izuku stared at them, confused by their nervous expressions but then he understood and started to panic.

"Kirishima matte (wait)...!" he tried to stop the boy.

Luckily, Ishiyama Ken, a.k.a Cementoss, came to their rescue and created a huge wall of dirt which blocked Eijiro's path, hiding the three from his view.

"We want to make sure all the students are safe. So head over the entrance gate." the pro hero said. "I'll take care of the wounded."

Eijiro stopped on his tracks, thinking for a moment.

"Oh, it makes sense!" he soon replied with a grin. "Roger that!"

And then he went back to tell Todoroki and Bakugou.

"Ooi! He told us to go to the gate!"

Y/n, All Might and Izuku let out the air they were holding, relieved when the boy changed direction. After he left, Toshinori let himself finally rest, thanking Ishiyama:

"Arigato.. Tasukattayo (Thank you.. You saved me), Cementoss."

"I'm your fan." Ishiyama stated proudly. "Now let me escort you to infirmary, I can do it without risking revealing your state."

He then made a pause.

"But, honestly, you were very imprudent."

"If I wasn't imprudent I'd be dead." Toshinori sighed sitting on the floor and resting a hand on his knee. "They were...just that strong."

Izuku looked down, thinking about what the man had just said. Those villains were indeed strong and they weren't prepared to face them. They invaded U.A. and quickly took the reigns of the whole situation. If it weren't for All Might and the other heroes, they probably wouldn't have survived.

He looked at his broken legs and then to Y/n who was still beside him. She was lying on the floor and carried an exhausted semblance — her hair was messy and her face was a bit dirty with dust and tears —, but she was unharmed.

He saw the moment she used her power and he was mesmerized by what she could accomplish. He never thought she had such powerful quirk and fine control over it. When he jumped to save All Might he was momentarily afraid to end up falling in her flames but he was surprised to see they moved away from him, opening a path.

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