Chapter Thirteen: She's Ana

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Chapter Thirteen:
She's Ana

The next day I woke up to Bella coming into my room to confirm my suspensions that Victoria was building the army

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The next day I woke up to Bella coming into my room to confirm my suspensions that Victoria was building the army. She also told me to get ready because Edward and she came up with an idea on how to protect me and her.

After getting dressed we started heading to the field where the battle was taking place

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After getting dressed we started heading to the field where the battle was taking place. Emmett and Rosalie were hunting with Alice to get ready.

Getting to the field I see Jasper, Jacob, and Paul. I smiled running to Jasper.

"Cowboy!" I scream making all three shake their heads.

"At least she didn't call me Major," Jasper muttered making Paul and Jacob laugh. Jasper was so far the only vampire they liked mostly because of how protective they were over their little sister.

As I got to Jasper I brought him into a hug smiling brightly at him. When we released I then hugged Paul and Jacob before going back to standing beside Jasper. Jacob and Paul then face Bella and Edward.

"You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob asks Edward making me laugh softly at that and for Edward to glare at me.

"He's doing it for me. Okay?" Bella tells him making Jacob and Paul share a look. Jacob then sighs looking at Jasper.

"Whatever. Just tell us the plan," Jacob says making Jasper nod as he steps forward slightly.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent. It needs to end here. We aren't using Ana's because she doesn't an appealing scent since she is a third mate," Kasper said causing the wolves to nod.

"Edward, Ana and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up my scent," Bella said as I leaned into Jasper and he wrapped a brotherly arm around me.

"Your stench, however, is revolting," Edward said with a smirk making me huff at him.

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks," Jacob told him making me smirk at him.

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