[chapter twenty] the monster in disguise

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Aires pov...

The cool breeze smacked against my cheeks, bringing a bitter scowl to my face as I strolled on the edge of woods. It was some time after midnight, and yet I wasn't tired at all. I wasn't anything recently. Lydia still didn't want to see me, Scott was pissed at me still, though he only showed it sometimes. I spent more time in Dereks shitty hideout than I did at Mellisas house. 

Since the incident with the girl on the side of the road, I was being cautious. I started slipping into the hospital to take blood bags to avoid hurting someone, however, I was slowly starting to not care anymore. I was slowly starting not to care about any of it. Stress consumed me, and it was pushing me towards a snap. 

I sped walked down the streets of Beacon Hills, desperate to escape it all and desperate to get it all out of my head. Lydia. Scott. Derek. Peter. Sage. It was screams that snapped me out of my head. 

"GET OFF ME! PLEASE. DON'T TOUCH ME!" A girl pleaded, praying someone would hear.

I didn't waste another second before I  ran to the source of the noise and spotted a man roughly grabbing hold of a girl who wasn't much smaller than me. She was stuck on his hold and he had a hand up her skirt. Suddenly I wasn't me anymore, I was nine and helpless. 

"Hey!" I screamed as red clouded my vision. 

Quickly, I ran at the man and threw a hard punch at his jaw. The sickening sound of bones cracking brought him to his knees. With wide eyes, I turned to the girl,  my eyes scanning over her to check for injuries. Her clothes had been torn from her body, revealing bruises that made me sick to my stomach.

"Are you okay?" I choked out. 

"Thank you for saving me." She whispered with sad, scared eyes. 

"You're welcome. Now go!" She didn't need me to compell her or tell her twice, she took off without another word and leaving me with the monster. 

My eyes glanced down to his body sprawled across the path and a muderous rage filled me as I  swiftly picked him up by the throat and slammed him against the wall. I had watched too many monsters win in my life time, he wasn't going to win, he wasn't going to walk away alive

"Oh my, if it isn't a Hale." He surprised me by slurring as a smirk lifted onto his lips. "Yeah sweetheart, I know who you are. We are supposed to be after your brother, the new alpha. I kept thinking they had to be something up with you, It's not like you're naturally this strong. Well, I guess unless you want me to tell my boss what I think you are, you're going to have to give me something. I wanna see a pretty girl like you on your knees and then I'll decide what happens."

He had just signed his death certificate.

He was a hunter and he knew me- even in the dark. My grip on his neck tightened, drawing blood from him. Flashbacks of my stepfather played in my mind, the same sickening smile he had on his face was on this man's face. He was just like him, evil. I pushed aside the sick feeling that swirled in the bottom of my stomach and narrowed my eyes on the evil that lurked in front of me. 

"So what are you then, banshee?"

"Nope." I replied, my tone chipper as my fangs started to appear. "I'm a witch, but I'm also a vampire." I snarled before sinking my teeth into him and hearing a blood curdling scream rip from his lips.

He was desperately prying at my grip on him in an attempt to break them apart. He thrashed under the hold of me whilst I drained the man's body of blood. He was suddenly the helpless one. 

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