Denial is one hell of a drug.

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Sure it's a calming notion,
Perpetual in motion
But it's not what you signed up for

Grayson's POV

I was scared of the truth. I had been battling this my whole life. I was gay. I had to hide. I had to run. Running from the truth was my strong suit. What would my mother say? She couldn't find out. No one could find out. I wonder what Cole is like? Whatever he's like, I'm sorry. I'm not a good soulmate. I'm just a coward.

3rd person POV.

The group was shocked after [y/n] caught them up on what had happened. Cole most of all. Why did his soulmate run away? Cole had known he was gay ever since he was a child. Maybe Grayson was having a harder time coming to terms with himself. Whatever the reason was, Cole wasn't mad. He was understanding, he couldn't be mad at his soulmate after all. He didn't even know him.

Lunch was awkward. No one knew what to say. In his haste, Grayson had left all his things. Cole flicked through his sketchbook. He understood some of the meaning behind Grayson's art. He understood that he had difficulty at home regarding his sexuality. Being a musician, Cole knew how art always had a meaning behind it. Sometimes you'd just need to be that extra bit perceptive to see it.

[Y/n]'s POV

It was a Wednesday, meaning I got to go see Greenie, I mean the Ninja. My mum drove towards the monastery atop the hill, however she parked the car a few miles out.

"Why are we stopping here?" I asked, confused as I had been daydreaming while looking out the window.

"Wu wanted to show you the bounty."

An excited squeal escaped my mouth. "OHMYGODREALLY!"

"Yeah." My mum unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car.

'Okay [y/n], deep breaths. This is gonna be so cool.'

"It's not that exciting." M added.

'You shut your mouth.'

I was excited, and rightfully so. All my memories of being the biggest Ninja fangirl were coming back to me. For me, the Ninja was 9-year-old me's One Direction.

"[Y/n]! Come on get out the car!"

I did as my mother said, and I could hear the low drone of the bounty approaching our car.

I calmed my breathing and stepped out of the car. I craned my neck up towards the sky and sure enough, the red bounty hung in the sky.

"Oh my god..." I whispered underneath my breath.

The anchor whizzed down to the ground, the ninjas riding it down.

"We haven't done this in years!" One of them shouted.

The anchor hit the ground creating a small dust cloud around it.

"That looks so fun..." I whispered to myself.

"It is." Greenies voice came from behind me.

Startled, my reflexes took over. Greenie flew a few feet, landing on his back.

"Shit dude, is that what your power is?" The earth ninja questioned, now at my side.

"Yeah..." I ran over to where Greenie was picking himself back up, "Sorry."

"It's my fault, shouldn't sneak up on you." He laughed.

"[Y/n]. That was so cool, imagine you in battle with us we'd be untouchable." The fire ninja stated, a bit too excited to use me as a weapon might I add.

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