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"Breath, just breath, don't lose your focus, the lives of everyone here depend on it, so, just breath, it will all be over soon" Kyle whispers to himself "don't let them see the fear in your eyes, you're the one holding them together, they need you, they depend on you at this time, being afraid, showing it to them, that is not what they need from you"

He rolls his eyes trying to hide the tears gathering in his eyes "you don't get to fall apart, you don't get to be afraid, you don't get to let them see it, not now, not today, because if you fall, they all fall, and yes, it's more than you bargained for, but this is where you're at right this instant"

He takes a big breath, he dusts himself off "let's do this, for them, for me, for all of us, tomorrow, tomorrow we get to break apart, but today, today we must survive"

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