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sillie breathed heavily as she was dragged into the room, glancing behind her

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sillie breathed heavily as she was dragged into the room, glancing behind her. "kate, come on! there- there's no reason for this shit!" 

kate laughed. "you've gotten funnier since the last time i saw you. you know, when you let peter slash my throat in front of my now dead niece."

sillie clenched her jaw. "is that why you're doing this? cause allison's dead? well guess what, she hated you after everything you've done! and if she were alive," her voice got caught in her throat, "she'd hate you even more for whatever you're gonna do to me."

kate paused. "that's the biggest lie i've ever heard, sillie." she pushed sillie into the thing, the younger woman taking deep breaths.

"look..." sillie tried to think. "don't you think you've tortured me enough for a lifetime? i think you have. so, i think you should just let me and derek go."

kate shook her head. "not happening, sweet cheeks."

sillie growled. 


now, god knows how much later, scott and braeden walked through the abandoned church.

"hey, um, i've been meaning to ask," scott spoke up. "and considering you asked why i didn't kiss my girlfriend who's not my girlfriend, i get to ask this."

"ok." braeden shrugged. "i might not answer, but ok."

"what's sils to you?"

braeden smiled. "sillie was once the best thing that ever happened to me. she still is, but now it's platonic."

scott nodded. "so you guys were in a relationship?"


"why did it end?"

braeden sighed. "you're lucky i don't mind this question. we broke up cause it just wasn't working. i was a US marshal, sillie wanted to go back to beacon hills. we were perfect together, don't get me wrong, it was just a... right person wrong time type of thing."

scott nodded. "right... was sils happy?"

braeden thought about it. "if you mean happy with me, definitely. she had her moments of course, that's a given after everything she's been through. but she was always happy with me."

"that's good." scott exhaled. "she deserves happiness after everything."

braeden chuckled. "understatement of the millennia." she stopped talking for a moment, looking around when she heard something. she held a finger to her lips, adjusting her hold on her gun. she took a few steps and looked around while scott shined the flashlight.

they shared a look.

they continued walking, braeden holding up the gun. they heard sand falling, bones moving, and a bit more. scott's head snapped to the left when he heard someone move.

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