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Melody's POV

Tehlia opened the door with the rest of my aunties looking at me. "How dare you let her die for me" I said crying. "I am going to fix this" I said as I stood up. They cried as they all tried to stop me from leaving the room.

I grabbed Katya's sword and I flew out of heaven. I flew straight into hell and there I found my auntie Irisa sitting on her throne. "Dear Melody" she said with a smile. "You killed her" I said heart broken. "Who dear" she said smiling.

"Your disobedient father or annoying mother" she said laughing. All the demons laughed with her demonically. "How could you" I said. "She was going to stop me so I had to stop her" she said. "Is that all she was to you" I say. "Of course" she said as she stood up.

I flew at her but I stopped when I was in front of her. "Kill me and this war will never end" Irisa said laughing as all the demons grabbed their daggers and swords. "Good because this is what you deserve" I said as I sliced her head off. Her body fell to the floor with a thud.

That's when I noticed all the demons jumped to attack me. Before they could angels attacked them when they entered the castle. They we're at war and I knew that I had forever separated them. When my mother made them become at peace with her death.

I ruined my mother's legacy. "Move" said Traian. "Quickly" said Katya as her and the guardians were frightening the demons. "This way" said Tehlia as she pulled me out of the castle. She took me straight to heaven and we stopped and landed on the clouds. "Look at what you have done" she said looking down.

I looked down and I saw both angels and demons dying. "This is not what your mother would have wanted" she said. Tears we're dripping from my eyes. "They are all dying aren't they" I said. I looked to her and she nodded her head. I looked down and I knew what I have done.

"This is all my fault" I said aloud as I kept watching the war happen below me. This is what my mother had stopped when I was a child. I watched as Tehlia grabbed a sword and joined the rest of them. I have made a big mistake that I can't take back.

Thousands of eternity's later

I tucked my kids into bed. Inez and Kiaan we're both wide awake. "Mom will you stay with us" said Inez. "Sorry baby but" I started to say. "The demons scare us" said Kiaan as he hid under the covers. The war between us was still going on. "Will dad ever come home" said Inez.

"Daddy passed away you guys" I said as I held onto their tiny hands. "What about your aunties" asked Kiaan. "They are all gone too" I said as I brushed Kiaan's hair softly. They looked down but I laid with them on their bed. "When did they pass away" asked Inez. "They all passed after I started this war" I said.

"You must have started this war for a good reason" said Kiaan. "I don't know anymore" I said not wanting them to see that I regret it every second of my life. "Well at least the world will grow up better with you as goddess" said Inez. "Hopefully" I said.

As they fell asleep I took Inez and I placed a note next to her saying she will be the goddess of heaven. I grabbed Kiaan and a note I had written along with us. I was flying to hell to make a new treaty. I wanted this war to end and it was eating me alive.

This was the only way to protect them. I now knew what my mother had felt when she had done this to protect me. I flew down and I walked into the castle. They let me walk through to a unknown leader. All of my family had died except my kids so not even evil ones were here.

"What do you want peace breaker" said Becca. "What does she have" said Relic. "Who does she have" said Zari as he said that in his threatening voice. It sent chills down my spin since they were all acting like my aunties Leigh, Maryse, and Irisa. "I want to end this war with a treaty" I said.

"Kill me and my son Kiaan rules hell we'll Inez rules heaven" I say as I hold him tightly. I still didn't want to wake him in case if something bad happens. "What do you guys think" said Becca. "I don't know" said Relic. "Kill the peace breaker and we have peace with Kiaan as ruler" said Zari.

"Deal" said Becca. "I will watch him" said Alvaro. I handed Kiaan to Alvaro since I knew he would protect him. He was the last familiar face that I knew. It was sad that he never ended up with Aleyna. He took Kiaan and I wait for my turn.

I dropped to my knees and I saw the sword being pulled back. I closed my eyes and I felt my world turn black and alone. That's when I knew that I was never coming back. I felt the pain and I felt my life disappear from my reach. They killed me where my mother had died and it was worth it all.

A few seconds later

I woke up and I looked around frantically. I was in someone's arms. I looked up and it was my mother's face and right beside her was my father Shade. I looked around and I saw all of my aunties playing with their husbands. I saw mine waving at me from a far. He looked happy to see me.

He ran to me and hugged me. "Bryce" I said happily. "Melody" he said as he held my hand. He let go of me and stood beside me. "Melody meet your grandparents" said my mother. "Hello little one" said Zain. "We are our grandparents" said Nyree. "Come on you have to see their world" said Bryce.

"Okay" I said as we followed behind my grandparents and my parents walking ahead of us. "It's okay our kids will join us and we will wait for them together" he said as he started walking. I cried silently as I held his hand and walked with him. I was finally at peace.

The end

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