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regulus-black just made a post.

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❤️: evans_lily, rem-lupin, and 1,103 others

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❤️: evans_lily, rem-lupin, and 1,103 others.

regulus-black: since i didn't give my graduation speech, you're all getting it for free:
i'd like to dedicate my diploma to my badass adoptive parents @jade_black and @zabini_az as well as my extended family. without those sons of bitches, i wouldn't be half as happy and at peace as i am now. to my demon mother walburga, i hope you're rotting in the depths of hell.
hogwarts, all i can say now is... thank you and mischief managed💚

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anka_ just made a post.

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❤️: solis-black, peter_, and 995 others

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❤️: solis-black, peter_, and 995 others.

anka_: aside from my parents, i'd want to thank the Marauders and Queens for adopting me to their batshit crazy family
Hogwarts, next time you'll see me, i'll be a Alchemy professor (thanks jade)
till then... mischief managed💚

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jade_black just made a post.

❤️: sirius-black, james_potter, and 1,302 others

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❤️: sirius-black, james_potter, and 1,302 others.

jade_black: hogwarts, thought you'd see the last of me?
i solemnly swear that i am up to no good this fall 🐍💚

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james_potter just made a post.

❤️: zabini_az, alice-01, and 1,293 others

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❤️: zabini_az, alice-01, and 1,293 others.

james_potter: i solemnly swear that i am up to no good this fall 🦁❤️

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