Chapter 2

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Sebastian and Axel are coming back from a scavenging site.

"hey! lighten up a  little Sebastian" said axel

"..Just... keep your eyes on the road.." Sebastian mumbled.

axel kept driving slowly turning tonight

"you know... I don't know a lot about you, heheheh *she laughs* Sebastian tell me bout yourself."  Axel laughed

"..." Sebastian stayed silent

"... Not much of a talker.. are ya?"

Silence filled the car.

"Well too bad! I'll tell you about me!" 

"I'm sure you know about me honey *she grins* but if not I'm axel! Axel woods and you, my friend are the famous Sebastian nomada. " Axel said confidently

"wait.. you know who I am?" 

"well of course! You're the one that was face to face with one of those.... ah what was it.. it was one of those forest walking creatures right?"

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