Christmas Special!!!

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A/N- Just know this doesn't really have anything to do with the plot of the story but I thought I would do something special for Christmas!

Chuuya was sleeping on the bean bag in his usual. It was a regular winter in Yokohama. There was flakes of snow falling from the greyish skies gently. Kids playing outside throwing snowballs making snowmen and snow angels. Friends and family gathering presents for this coming Christmas. 

Everything was chill at home nice and cozy. When suddenly someone had opened the door. Chuuya's head shot up looking straight at the door, revealing a tall figure when that tall figure stepped through the door showed a tall brunette in his regular Port Mafia clothes. 

Chuuya jumped behind the couch and stood up in his human form. 

"Oh. Your home early?" Chuuya said in a very confusing voice. 

"Yea, my boss let me out early for holidays. I'm taking the rest of the month off plus a week after New Years. So we can do some fun little activities, just you and me." Dazai explained sitting down on the couch after a long day of work.

Chuuya left the living room, and after five minutes later he came with a magazine. "Whats this?" The small ginger pointed at the front cover of the magazine, which showed a pine tree with decorations and presents underneath. 

"Oh that's a Christmas tree, people get those to decorate for Christmas and to put presents under. Plus most families do this tradition were a man named Santa would come and put presents under the trees for good kids." Dazai said checking to see if he has anymore Emails on his mac book. 

"Can we get one? A Christmas tree?" Chuuya asked.

"I don't know Chuuya. This is a pretty small apartment, plus I don't have the stuff to decorate the tree." Dazai said giving Chuuya this disappointing news. 

"Oh, alright..." Chuuya said looking down at the magazine with the pretty Christmas tree. Dazai looked up at Chuuya's beautiful blue eyes, and saw a sad look in Chuuya's face. This made Dazai's heart break. 

"I guess we could maybe go get a small one! And pick some decorations on the way." Dazai said trying to cheer Chuuya up. 

"Really!?" Chuuya said looking up with a surprised look that Dazai reconsidered. "Yea we'll go, so go get ready." "Ok!"

___________________Roughly 2 hours later...___________________

Chuuya and Dazai came back with a small Christmas tree. Dazai was obviously taller than this tree, but for Chuuya... Yea I think it's best we don't talk about that.

Dazai got the tree set up in place in the corner of there living room. 

"Chuuya! The trees set up, it's time to decorate!" Dazai called to Chuuya. The small ginger came out into the living room in a cozy outfit. Dazai turned around and saw Chuuya wearing one of his Dazai's hoodies but that's not the only thing, the tall brunette noticed that Chuuya didn't wear pants or it would seem that way because all Dazai saw was his thighs. 

Dazai quickly turned back to the tree as his face was almost turning red. "So how do we decorate the tree?" Chuuya asked as he saw his reflection in the big shimmery ornament.

"W-well you just hang the ornaments on the tree, once your done I'll hang up the lights on the tree." Dazai said still looking at the Christmas tree. 

"Oh. Alright sounds easy!" Chuuya grabbed a red ornament and started hanging all the different colors of ornaments on the tree. Thirty minutes later Chuuya was finally done, and Dazai came out with two mugs of hot chocolate and set it carefully on the coffee table. 

"Whats that?" Chuuya smelled behind him. "It's hot chocolate." Dazai said looking at the Christmas tree Chuuya had decorated. 

The small ginger picked up the mug of hot chocolate and took a sip. "Be careful it's hot!" Dazai warned as soon as Chuuya took his first sip. The small gingers body shook as the hot drink touched his tongue, almost dropping the mug on the floor. "Well you could've told me sooner!!" Chuuya raised his voice a little. 

Dazai chuckled as he grabbed the Christmas tree lights and started to wrap it around the tree. "Hey so whats this star for?" Chuuya asked as he picked it up off the coffee table. "It's to put on the very top of the tree." Dazai said as he finished. "Oh. Can I put it on?" Chuuya asked looking at the pretty star. 

"I don't think you can reach Chibi~" Dazai teased in his singy voice. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Chuuya yelled. "Ok ok, jeez! Don't have to get all mad about it..." Dazai said trying to chill Chuuya out.

The small ginger took the star out of its box, Chuuya got on his tippy toes trying to put the star on the tree. Suddenly Chuuya felt arms wrap around his waist and the got picked up to put the star on the tree easier. Chuuya looked down and saw Dazai picking him up. The small ginger's cat ears started to twitch, but he placed the star on the top of the tree and gave Dazai a sign to put him down. 

"Great job Ch-" Dazai felt a punch in the stomach which really hurt. "D-DON'T DO THAT EVER AGAIN DUMBASS!!"



It was 2 weeks later, and Christmas was only five days away. The small tree that sat in Dazai's apartment started to have presents fill up underneath the tree. 

Currently Dazai and Chuuya were cuddling on his bean bag, watching Christmas movies. Chuuya's head was resting on Dazai's shoulder while a movie was running. 

The small ginger was about to fall asleep but as soon as he shut his eyes Dazai lifted Chuuya's chin. "Chibi~ you can't go to sleep my little kitty~" Dazai teased in his singy voice once again. "Sh-shut up!" Chuuya was a little to tired to be yelling at Dazai for his stupid name calling. "I got this small Christmas bow from the pet store, apparently you just have to clip it to your pets collar." Dazai said with his stupid smirk. 

"Hell no!" Chuuya was starting to get his energy back which made him raise his voice a little.

Dazai still clipped the small bow to Chuuya's black collar. At this point Chuuya was to tired to deal with Dazai's stupid acts. 


It was Christmas day, Chuuya and Dazai both sat in front of the tree ready to open there presents. Chuuya ended up getting a bunch of cat toys that Dazai thought would be cute to play with Chuuya. Dazai ended up getting bandages and some liquor. 

For the rest of the day Chuuya and Dazai just chilled. It was a nice Christmas for the both of them.

Especially for Chuuya since this was his first time celebrating Christmas. Chuuya and Dazai's Christmas couldn't get any better. 





Neko?! {Soukoku~}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora