TwiDash... Yay or Neigh?

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Wow! I swear, it's next on my list, that be completely useless or not! This is a mere coincidence!

Twilight and Rainbow, the most loved main six ship... in the entire world! (I think). Now, while this is such a popular ship, I don't know how it became that way, is it cause  of how many interactions they had? Well, Aj and Rarity has had plenty... interactions, with one another, and I still can never see the two together. So if it's not that then is it, their chemistry? Well I'll use RariJack again, I see some chemistry in the two, but no wha are they cute nor good together (in my head), so no. So it's not their interactions it's not their chemistry then what is it? Is it how they looks together? Is it the stereotypical jock and nerd scenario? 


I think that might be it.

Key word: think!

This ship could be as popular as it is cause of typicality.

Well whatever it is, these two are highly shipped, rarely disliked, and has a good, strong LARGE fan base. 

These two work of their differences, they learn to bond over it, and so on, so on!

Alright I'm getting bored! Let's get to the fun part!

Baises! My opinion on this ship...

Well guys... I have a huge secret to reveal, it's gotta do with this ship... and how Insee it. While nearly all of the existence sees these two working out, some don't. Some people out there just don't, they see 'em as unstoppable, and hereondous!

And... and I, I Misty shadowz... have to admit... that... I...



That I...



Have no clue what hell they've on about! This ship's amazing! Anyone who thinks that this won't work can.. can... Nothing! Becaus TwiDash HATERS don't exist... right? I mean people who say its meh or don't have an opinion on this, very well do exist but legit haters? They exist? 


Nah! That's not possible!


Like I said, I love this ship! My second favourite in general! Not from the main six, but in the entire show!

There's a little more to this ship than most others for me. When I joined this fandom and found out about shipping, this was the one that I got attracted to the first, sure somewhere along the way, I found SoarinDash the best.., but that's more on the Daughter of Discord series, thing on YouTube. But my point is, when I started out, this was my OTP, but after I heard a Dramatic reading of a cartain fic, I became the shipper I am today. These two, (as a pair) holds a little part of my heart for introducing me to shipping!


Fluff time! Boy there so many to pick from, I decided to go with as many as my heart desired!

Fluff time! Boy there so many to pick from, I decided to go with as many as my heart desired!

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I'll calm down now! 

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I'll calm down now! 

As for my rating on this?

10000 YAYS/10!!

Now I wanna if you are or have met someone who absolutely HATES this paring, if those even exist. I wanna know! I've never met a TwiDash hater, and I need to know if they are a thing or not!

Now that's it from me Folks!


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