Savin' Me: T'Challa x Reader

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T'Challa grinned as the goat snatched a piece of grass from his hand, his boyish features lighting up as it made a loud noise and headbutted the fence. He continued feeding the small animal until rustling in the forest to his left caught his attention.

Eyebrows furrowed, the teenage prince dropped the goat food onto the ground, allowing the animal to continue feeding as the boy journeyed toward the forest lining. "Hello?" He called out, squinting through the shrub to see if he could make out any of the Dora Milaje, the warriors that normally scouted the perimeter.

Suddenly, his eyes zeroed in on a short, thin figure, too small to be one of the warriors. He stepped back, swallowing thickly. The figure curled in on themselves, burying further into the trees and making T'Challa frown.

"Hello?" He repeated, stepping back toward the entrance of the forest. He didn't get a response, and instead the shadow took off, sprinting through the trees and quickly disappearing from the young prince's sight. Making a quick decision, T'Challa raced after them, his feet hitting the ground quicker than he'd ever run before. "Wait!" He shouted, dodging branches and leaping over fallen trees.

He could see an opening to catch up to his assailant, making him smile slightly. Veering off, T'Challa swung around a tree and plowed into them, sending the two bodies onto the ground with a loud shout.

"Stop!" T'Challa demanded, grabbing the two arms that were throwing themselves at him. Finally getting the person below him to calm down, he could get a good view of their appearance. The figure was a young girl, maybe the same age as the prince himself, and she looked rough.

Her hair was matted, sticking to her forehead, looking like it was caked in dirt, sweat and maybe even blood. Her eyes were sunken into her face, high cheekbones protruding from skin that nearly looked translucent. The eyes were magnificent however, a bright green that nearly shocked T'Challa off his perch. They glowed against her skin as they flicked between his own.

"Who are you? How did you get inside the barrier?" The girl blinked, her mouth opening before closing again. "Speak." He demanded, leaning closer. The girl flinched, holding her breath and trying to push herself further into the dirt below her.

"I don't even know where I am..." She whispered, her voice like gravel. "I'm sorry for trespassing, I was just trying to..." The girl coughed, her body convulsing with the action. "Get away from them." She finished, her eyes watering.

"From who? Is someone chasing you?" The young girl nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Okay, okay. Come with me." T'Challa helped her up, softly guiding her through the shrub by her elbow. "What's your name?"

The girl hesitated, her lips parted as if she wanted to speak but the words died on her tongue. "I don't know." She whispered, looking away from T'Challa's concerned eyes. "I can't remember."

"Hey, it's alright." T'Challa smiled, trying to calm the girl down. His eyes casted over her hair, frowning at the bright white color. "You're hair, it's the color of a dove. So, I'm going to call you Dove." The girl giggled, biting her lip softly.

"Okay." She whispered to the smiling boy. T'Challa walked with her toward the castle, pointing out areas of Wakanda where he liked to visit. The girl was a stark contrast to the other civilians, and soon, the villagers were outside their houses to stare at them as they passed.

The king stood at the entrance of his castle, his wife and youngest daughter by his side. Shuri grinned at her brother, whom was holding the girl's hand tightly. "Father-"

"Who have you brought with you, son?" The king asked, his eyes kind but suspicious.

"I found her in the trees near the animals. She says she was running from someone, so I thought I would help her." T'Challa said, not letting go of her hand. "She doesn't remember her name." The girl smiled hesitantly, her grip on T'Challa's hand tightening.

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