Public Eye || .021

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  A month had passed and Andres was completely gone out of Ava's life again. He was married at a young age to his first wife, and Ava had poured everything she had into her studies again. She'd wake up, take classes most of the day, and then finally get home late enough that she had no time to do anything but shower and crawl into bed. She was completely heartbroken. She hadn't told anyone about the night they planned to run off together. She didn't want to admit aloud that she let him fool her yet again. She truly thought that he wouldn't leave this time, but she was surely mistaken. He didn't even try to contact her through messages or even a phone call. He was probably living his best life as a married man while she was pining after a love that hadn't been true on both sides. It was early in the morning, around five a.m., but she couldn't get back to sleep as hard as she tried. Her stomach was uneasy but she kept blaming it on the food she had the night before. She left the bed in a hurry and went straight to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. She'd been nauseous the last few days, but this was the first time she was actually vomiting. Her stomach just seemed to be extra sensitive lately. She didn't think about it any more than that. She had gone to an early class that morning and just as the class started, the topic had thrown her into immediate panic. She had been having the same symptoms that related to pregnancy, and she knew that, but she didn't think about it until it was right in front of her. She left the classroom in a panic and went straight to the drugstore nearby. She purchased a pregnancy test and went back to the empty dorm room. She knew everyone would be out in class by now so she'd have the privacy she needed. She prayed over and over again that it'd be negative as she waited for the results, but the second pink line showed up darker than she'd even imagined. She was in fact pregnant with Andres' child, and she couldn't even get ahold of him to tell him. She spent the next week trying to contact him on the phone, even trying to track down Sergio, but she had no luck. It was like he was a ghost or someone that just never existed. She was going to have to go through this alone.

      "Ava?" Andres furrowed his eyebrows as he said her name. He was standing in front of her now. He had been questioning her, wanting to know if she was hiding something from him. He just felt like she was continually putting stuff on him like he was in the wrong because she didn't want to tell him something. He was certain. "You're hiding something." He pointed out. Ava shifted on her feet. She wasn't ready to tell him about what happened, but she knew better than to withhold it from him. The last thing she needed was for the police to be the ones to tell him.

           "Yeah." She sighed as she admitted it aloud. She leaned back against the desk. Berlin's face had fallen. He was worried about what she was hiding. He couldn't possibly think of what it could be. He didn't even have the slightest idea. "I was pregnant." She started. His brows furrowed. He was confused clearly. "About a month after you got married I took a pregnancy test and it was positive." As she was admitting this she could feel the tears welling in her eyes. It was a lot for her to talk about that situation, especially when all she wanted was for Andres to be there with her.

          "Were you sleeping with Martin that month?" He asked the question, and for a second, he wished that she had been. He didn't want to admit that he left her alone to deal with such a huge responsibility. He hadn't checked on her even once that whole year, and he made it nearly impossible to get ahold of him.

         "No." Ava shook her head as she answered him. She was now sitting on the desk, watching his reaction carefully.

           "Why are you telling me this?" He wasn't sure he wanted to know if she went on with the pregnancy because she wasn't raising a child. If she didn't abort it then he assumed that she gave the baby up for adoption. And he'd let her go through all of that alone.

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