•Chapter 4•

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Y/n = Your name

L/n = Last Name

October 31st, 1990

A day before Halloween, the past two months had gone by fast in Haddonfield. Y/n was preparing for another day of school. Michael and her had grown extremely close in the span of August to now. They'd walk to school with eachother everyday.

Today was the same routine. She sat at the table eating her cereal as quick as possible. "Slow down dear, the food isn't going to run away" "I know I know, I just don't want to make Michael wait". Her mother rolled her eyes "You and that boy"

Once Y/n had finished her quick breakfast, she threw on her backpack and shoes and left with a quick kiss to her moms cheek. Michael was waiting out front again. "Took you long enough" "do you even eat breakfast?" The girl retorted jokingly. "What's it to you?" The both of them shared their snappy remarks as they walked to school.

As soon as Michael and Y/n entered, they were met with the usual weird stares and whispering. Y/n still had no idea why they got that treatment. But it didn't hurt either of them, so the thought would be gone as soon as it came. Miss Brandy's classroom was decorated to the brim with Halloween decorations.
Both of them sat down in their desks as the school day began with a ring.

Hours passed like they were days when Miss Brandy was teaching to the class. Y/n rested her head on her palm as she mindlessly scribbled down notes, doodling here and there. She jumped when Michael suddenly raised his hand. "Yes, Michael?" Miss Brandy responded to the gesture. "May I use the bathroom?" Miss Brandy deflated since she though Michael was going to answer a question instead.

"quickly" as soon as those words came out of her mouth, Michael exited the classroom. Leaving Y/n alone.
"Alright class, it's work time. Make sure to look at notes and ask your friends if you need help. I'll be right back"
Miss Brandy left, and the volume of chatter skyrocketed.

Y/n just continued what she was doing, until a group of girls approached her table. She looked up at them "is there something you want?" The girl wasn't particularly in the mood for mindless teasing or conversation. "We were wondering... why you hang out with that creep show Myers" they snickered together condescendingly. "He's nice to me" she raised an eyebrow. "Sure sure, do you even what he's done?"

Y/ns eyes widened, were they trying to get to her? "What do you mean?" Their faces grew smug "Well, haven't you heard? He kills animals" her tone was testing Y/ns patience "How do you know? You're probably just saying tha-" "and his mom's a total whore" they bursted out laughing. She took a moment to process what they just said. The laughter echoed in her mind 'how can they be so cruel to him' she thought.

"You better stop hanging out with him, or yknow" they paused their laughter for the main one to speak "you could end up like one of those poor animals" she whispered in Y/ns ear. At this point she couldn't move or speak as her anxiety kicked in. The group of girls were gone and sitting down as Miss Brandy walked back into the room. "So sorry about that, let's continue with-"

The school bell rang loudly. Interrupting Miss Brandy mid-sentence. "I guess that's all, have a great time trick or treating. And don't go alone " the teacher knew she'd have to deal with the sugar filled children after the night was over. Y/n quickly escaped the classroom after her teachers words.

She desperately searched the halls for Michael, but he was no where to be seen.  Figuring her mother was waiting for her, Y/n gave up on the search for Michael and headed for the exit. Almost halfway down the hall she heard laughter coming from the other direction.

She payed no mind to it until the source of the laughter came into view. The infamous Wesley. Y/n dipped her head down as they walked past.
"Dude if that Myers freak gets me in trouble one more fucking time-" and angry tone mixed with Michael's name was never a good sign. 'Did they do something to him?' Her train of thought stopped when something pulled her back.

"Hey look, its Mikey's girlfriend" Wesley mocked condescendingly. She stayed silent 'if I dont say anything, they don't have a reason to get mad at me' as she continued forward again. It proved useless as she was pulled back again. "Your boyfriends causing me some problems. And I just don't know what will teach him a lesson" Y/n gulped and held back her tears. "Hold her still" the hair on her scalp jolted back as she was restrained by the goons.

Pulling out his pocket knife, Wesley traced the blade around stomach then up to her neck. "What did I do?" Y/n sobbed as the tears started rolling down her cheek. Everything was happening so quickly, why did she have to go through this. "Anyone who sympathizes and socializes with that Myers freak needs to be taught a lesson"

The girl stood helpless as they mocked and threatened her relentlessly. She hated how they talked about Michael like he was a creature.

"You suck"
The laughing stopped

"What did you say?"
"I said you-" breaking free from their grip which had loosened, she swung her leg back and full force kicked Wesley in his micropenis.

He fell to the floor holding his crotch, making a path for Y/n to escape. She jumped over Wesley's writhing body and stormed out of the school. Her mom had been the last car waiting. Relief flushed over her body as she ran to the car and hopped in. "What took you so long? I've been waiting here for 15 minutes" the mother hollered.

The girls eyes were noticeably puffy from the crying. Her mother took notice and stopped the yelling. "Honey, are you alright?" She nodded "yeah...I'm okay"
After they drove home, Y/n immediately got to thinking about trick or treating and her costume. It was a chance to dress as her favorite character after all.

But she forgot one important thing
"I FORGOT TO ASK MICHAEL TO TRICK OR TREAT WITH ME!" she yelled into her pillow in frustration. "Wait, he lives across the street..." the yelling ceased.

"I should go ask him now" her hand reached for the door handle but then stopped as words echoed through her mind
"Well, haven't you heard? He kills animals"

No that couldn't be possible. Michael loves animals. He has pets. She's seen them before.
Turning the nob and walking down the steps. Her imagination ran wild as she looked forward to what fun she'll have with Michael.

A few steps later, Y/n knocked at the door of the Myers house. Judith answered the door, not even looking infront of her. She was wearing a tube top and a skin tight miniskirt, causing Y/n to avert her eyes "Aren't you too old to be trick or treating anyways-" she finally turned her head. "What do you want?" Judith asked the girl.

"Can I see Michael?" The teen rolled her eyes "Michael your friend is here" she called out behind her
Judith walked away leaving the door wide open. Y/n saw Ronnie, Deborah's boyfriend, laying on the couch drunk. In fact the whole house reeked of alchohol and cigarettes.

"Hey Y/n" she was snapped out of her thoughts. "Hey Michael, I was wondering if-" pausing, her mind wandered "if you want to come trick or treating with me?" Y/n looked back into his eyes. He stood in shock. Someone asking him to go trick or treating? Never in his life did he think he'd actually be able to go with a friend.

He nodded, holding back his excitement. This day was getting better and better.

It didn't even match what he did earlier

"So we'll meet here?" Y/n asked hurriedly "Yeah"
"See you then!" She wrapped Michael in a quick warm embrace before racing back to her house. He stood there with a feint blush on his cheeks. "I love you" he muttered and looked at his blood stained finger tips
"So much, Y/n"


A/n: Wesley is 13, not 8

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