Chapter 4 - The Reject's Heroism: Gilgamesh

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【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

(Izuku's POV)

When I saw Katsuki's eyes, which were brimming with fear, I ran. I made my way through the crowd of people and heroes and ran towards Katsuki. While I was running, I heard the heroes behind me warning me, yelling at me to stop.

Death Arms: "Idiot! Stop! Stop!"


Izuku: 'Why'd I run out? What am I doing? Why?'

I thought as I kept running through the area that was demolished by the Sludge Villain and by Katsuki's quirk. The area was full of debris and flames as I was making my way over to the Sludge Villain while having a terrified expression on my face. That's when I heard him yell:

Sludge Villain: "Explode and die!"

Izuku: 'What should I do, what should I do!?'

Izuku: '...Page 25!'

I was thinking about what I should do when I remembered some of my notes on my hero analysis book. I took my backpack, spun it around myself, then threw it at the Sludge Villain. I thought that it would make a good distraction. Thankfully, one of the books that fell out of the backpack hit the Villain's eye, which gave Katsuki time to breathe.

Izuku: "Katsuki!"

Katsuki: "Why are you here!?"

Izuku: "I don't know why, my legs moved on their own!"

I think that I had a lot of reasons. I wanted to prove the people who told me to give up on my dream wrong. I wanted to prove to the people who doubted me, and called me a waste of space, that I could actually do something. I wanted to be a hero who smiled, like All Might, just for that moment. But most of all, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.

Izuku: "You looked like you were calling for help."

That was my answer to Katsuki's question. I said that to him as I tried to imitate All Might's smile, albeit with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice. I was trying to get Katsuki out of the Sludge Villain's grasp when a hero yelled:

Kamui Woods: "Watch out!"

I immediately turned my head to my right and saw sludge, that looked to be shaped like an arm, heading straight for me. I closed my eyes and awaited the pain, but it never came. I opened them again and saw that the arm had stopped, inches before it had come in contact with my face, by some invisible force. I looked back at the crowd and spotted my sister, Izumi, with her right arm outstretched while she was using her quirk to stop the Villain from hitting me.

Izuku: "I-Izumi!?"

Izumi: "Get out of there Izuku! Now!"

Death Arms: "You will die in vain! It's suicide!"

Sludge Villain: "You damn brat!"

The Sludge Villain screamed as he manifested another arm made of sludge and sent it heading straight towards me. Izumi wouldn't be able to use her quirk on two arms that big at the same time with her distance. The heroes were also too far away to do anything with their quirks.

Izuku: 'I-I'm done for...'

(3rd Person's POV)

Just before Izuku was hit by the Sludge Villain's other arm, a golden streak of light started heading straight for the Sludge Villain's right eye. Upon closer inspection, the streak of light had the shape of an extremely well-made spear. Obviously, the spear had been made by the hands of a master blacksmith.

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