17, fuck you bitch

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all in one - jordan poole

(xxx)-xxx-xxxxzia could you pleasetell jordan to answermy calls

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zia could you please
tell jordan to answer
my calls

zia 😋
who's this?


zia 😋
holy shit, you must
have me fucked up


zia 😋
do you not realize you
fucked another nigga
on. his. own. bed?

bitch you dead to me

after i bought you candles?

zia 😋
jesus christ are you fr
right now?

yeah, im being quite
serious with you zia

zia 😋
well i mean this in the

most serious way possible..

choke on an axe <3

damn, i knew you were a bitch

zia 😋
im the bitch? im the

bitch after you broke
jordans fucking heart
and now have the audacity to text me?

are you fucking dumb
or something?

it wasn't that deep, i

zia 😋
you really think your sorry ass apologies are

going to work shaia?

who got called over
at 10pm to comfort him?

who had to change his fucking sheets from
your damn sex fiesta?

who let him sob on
their shoulder,
comforting him in
every way possible?

me hoe.

don't call me that word.

zia 😋
dont text me.

fuck you

zia 😋
lol aight

watch until the media
finds out about your
little stunt bitch.

you lucky i got
respect on jordan because
you have no rights
to me. you fucked
my best friend up. hoe.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄; jordan poole ✓Where stories live. Discover now