Chapter 2: Unknown

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He looked around to see if anybody was around. Sensing nothing he turned his attention back to the book. Confusion spread all over his expression. He didn't sense anybody while he was asleep. On top of being a light sleeper, he couldn't sleep well. The whole time he was on guard in case someone arrived. The rock hard floor didn't help in giving him a decent rest. The only reason he fell asleep was because he hadn't slept for a long time. He stood pondering the options available.

If this isn't suspicious I don't know what is. Just by taking a glance at it I have a bad feeling. The book looks semi old even though there's nothing written. I'm more surprised by the fact that it hasn't deteriorated by the time I found it. Not going to even mention how creepy this whole situation is.

Making sure the book actually had no contents he flipped to every page, only to be greeted by the pages containing nothing. He closed it, putting it inside his tracksuit.

Luckily I have a pocket inside my tracksuit. As much as I want to throw this away, I don't want it to suddenly appear out of nowhere. I could've already messed up by picking it up. You never know with these fantasy worlds.

He sighed before ultimately deciding to keep it, for now. Taking a better look at himself he saw that his clothes got slightly dirty. Not minding, he wandered around asking questions to the inhabitants. He noted that they were much more friendly than last time. Taking a better look, he fitted right in with the people living here. Well, except with his dark black hair, of course. In fact his tracksuit wasn't even that expensive, if he remembered correctly he bought it from a one of the many local stores. Meaning that the materials were not the best out there though he understood the struggle so he frequently went there.

"Hey, there. Do you by any chance know where I can buy stolen goods?" He asked a random person.

"Yeah, near the end of the slums there should be Old Man Rom's loot house."

"Thanks, live strong."

After asking some more people around, he arrived at some sort of loot house. He knocked on the wooden door as he waited for a response. Nothing, it was completely quiet. He tried one more time but the same thing happened. Aware that he wasn't going to get a response any time soon, he gave up.

I can keep going without food and water for a few more days. I cannot afford to spend my money carelessly. Should I ask about the book I'm currently holding? No, that's a stupid idea. I have no idea of the history, culture, etc. For all I know there can be some crazy cult worshiping a witch that uses these books as their sacred texts.

He gazed at the dazzling sun, he did it until he couldn't handle it anymore. Perhaps the reason behind the strange action was to confirm that he had really spent the night in another world. It isn't easy to accept the reality of being isekai'd.

The thoughts of his family were being subconsciously pushed as far away as possible. Was he running away instead of facing it? Was he truly that slothful? Nevertheless if he did address his problem in his current state nothing good was going to come out of it.

Like any normal person he started seeing tiny, random placed pigmentation. As his sight adjusted, he kept at what he was previously doing. That is, when he felt something he couldn't put his finger quite on.

Some unexplainable thing conveyed the feeling of...annoyance?

Although he tried to brush it off to no avail. As a matter of fact it actually got stronger by each passing second.

Another thing that bothered him was the final shade of color hadn't disappeared. Normally it should've been gone but no, it still was here brightly shining as it even followed him.

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