IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 16

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Read this Author’s Note or you’ll go blind!: Hey-o! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? It sure has! I don’t really have anything to write for this Author’s Note but I’m still writing it because it’s tradition! So…uh….er….what’s up? Ssorry I took like three days off! I was sick!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 16: Ron Succeeds

-----------| Hermione’s POV |-----------

            Where in the butternuts was Ron? I had come down the stairs with Ginny after we had shoved Violet out, and Ronald was nowhere to be seen! This was just like him. Now I would have to follow Ginny around like a third wheel. Sighing, I grab Ginny’s wrist and pull her over to where Harry was. She had been looking back and forth for him even though he was basically right in front of us.

            “Hey, Harry, have you seen Ronald?” I questioned when we reached him.

            His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “No, I thought he was with you.” His green eyes wandered over to Ginny and slowly widened. “Wow, Gin, you look great!” he finally managed to stutter. Those round glasses, that he seemed to never have to change the prescription on, slid on the bridge of his nose until he pushed them up subconsciously.

            “Are you sure you haven’t seen Ron around?” I asked before Harry went into drool mode and drowned himself. When he didn’t answer, I figured it was too late.

            Sighing, I admit defeat and go over to the meal table, thinking perhaps Ron would be over there. It would be a typical area to find him. Instead I find a face I had been hoping to avoid.

            “Granger, my dear mudblood! What, no date? So pretty and yet no one wants a piece? What is happening to the world? Tell me, Granger. You must know.”

            “Zabini,” I shudder at the name, “ shut up.” His brow lifted at the annoyed look on my face.

            “Eh,” he mutters, “Don't take the compliment then; I don't care.” And with that, he walks over to Crabbe and Goyle, leaving me slightly confused.

            I didn't have much time to be bewildered, Luna popped out of nowhere and whispered something in my ear that made me grin, yet get worried at the same time. Quickly, I went over grabbed Ginny and dragged her over to the punch bowl. I pulled out Operate MALFOY to stare at what was complete.

            Step One: Meet (complete)

            Step Two: Become Mutual Friends (complete-ish)

            Step Three: Become MORE Than Mutual Friends (undoubtedly complete)

            Taking a muggle pencil out of my purse, I wrote something next to Step Four.

            Step Four: Make Him Fall (*smooch* complete)

            Ginny read from over my shoulder and gasped loudly. A few people glanced at us and quickly avoided walking near us. “She didn’t!” I giggled and nod my head. ‘I caught Draco kissing Violet. But someone else saw too,’ Luna had whispered into my ear.

            “That leaves only one step!” We looked back at Operation MALFOY and scanned over to Step Five. Probably the worst and best step.

            Step Five: Drop Him On His Ass

            How are we going to do that?

------------| Draco’s POV |-------------

            A few moments later, I hear the sound of footsteps. That was fast. Turning around, I begin saying, “Violet that was—”

            “Oh shut your foul mouth, Malfoy. Violet doesn’t like you. It was a dare! She’s playing a game and you? You’re the main event,” a voice I unfortunately recognized spat in my direction.


            There he stood in all his frill and ginger glory. His date, Granger most likely, was nowhere to be seen and Weasley was huffing as if he ran a marathon. I stared at him and his get-up for a few moments, just smirking at him. What he said registered in my head soon and I glared at him with doubt, hatred, and concealed worry.

            “What are you trying to say, Weasley?” I ground out in the most polite voice I could muster.

            “Violet doesn’t like you. Hermione and my sister dared her to go out with you. There are even steps to make you like her,” he grinned evilly as his hand slipped into his pants pockets. A thin piece of parchment was taken out and Weasley unfolded it. “Step One: Meet. How did you meet, Malfoy?” He grinned what was probably supposed to be a smirk, but merely looked as if he needed to whiz.

            “That’s none of your concern.”

            He sauntered up to me and whispered, “Step Two: Become Mutual Friends. Did you become friends, Malfoy? I’m sure you did and I’m also sure Violet’s friends had some doing in that fact.” With another step closer to me, Weasley continued, “Step Three: Become MORE Than Mutual Friends. Did Violet say she’d become more than friends with you or was it implied?” How did he find these? Where they real or was he just messing with me? “Step Four: Make Him Fall. Did you fall for her, Malfoy?”

            I felt a blush climb up my neck even though I tried hard to stop it. I was staring straight ahead. My heart was thudding painfully against my chest as I listened to what Weasley was saying. Vio—Jesperson was dared to date me? Or try to date me, really. My hands began to sweat and a strange stinging sensation pierced the corners of my eyes. Blinking a few times, I let the burning take over. Taking a deep breath, I attempt to speak around the lump growing in throat, “What’s the next step, Weasley?”

            A shocked expression passes over his features when I glance down at him. “Step Five: Drop Him On His Ass.” With that he threw the parchment at me and turned on his heel. I doubted I would see him for the rest of the night.

            Was it really as simple as Five Steps?


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Love and fireworks,


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