Chapter 32 || "The dirty version."

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That gif has me rly low key fücked up.

- Pandora -

Dear Pandi,

Your presence will be required at Ashton's 'Epic - work it the fück out - Sleepover'

You will need

• food
• toothbrush
• Kira
• pyjamas (optional *wink wink*)
• and a positive attitude.

You will probably be sharing a bed with the host (lol that's me) so pillows and shít will not be needed.

A car will - hopefully - arrive to pick you up at five, so make sure you've got your shít together.

Yours sincerely,

Swag daddy 2.0
(Aka Ashton)

There had been a shít load of tension between us all since the Masquerade ball, and to fix this, Ashton had arranged a sleepover.


A fücking sleepover.

At first, nobody had taken his idea seriously. We all just assumed he was joking. But when he made us all formal invitations and dedicated a fücking group chat towards it, we knew he was serious.

Ashton's was suffering, and the only way he knew how to fix it was to party.

The soft-core way.

So this is where I sat, wedged in-between Evie and Calum as we all ate at the dinner table. Ashton had 'strategically' planned the seating so nobody would fight, but had forgotten one key fact;

I was as weak as a twig.

How was I meant to act as a barrier between two extremely angry people when I was as small as a child?

It was stupid.

"Could someone please pass the salt?"


I quickly grabbed the salt and passed it across to Michael, who sat directly opposite me. He kindly nodded and I smiled, trying to hide the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

I didn't like him I didn't like him I didn't like him nope nope nu-huh.

Evie watched in disgust as he sprinkled the salt on top of his chips, her lips twisted into a judgemental grimace. I already knew what she was going to say, and I knew exactly what kind of reaction she would receive.

And it wouldn't be good.

"Michael." She muttered, slightly grabbing his attention. He slowly looked up, his green eyes meeting mine before he switched his attention towards her.


"Do you know how bad salt is for you?"


"Then why did you use it?"

"Maybe because he wanted to?" Calum spat, leaning forward to shoot Evie a disgusted glance "Ever think of that?"

"Did I fücking ask you?" She quickly retorted, ignoring the disapproving glance Ashton sent her way.

"Look, guys-"

"How is salt even bad for you?" Calum questioned, his eyes narrowed sceptically. I shot Michael a worried glance as he shrugged, taking a large bite out of his now salty chip.

He was staying out of this.

"Because it is."

"But how?"

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