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Zayn Malik

l was risking my life tonight... because I was on my way upstairs to find Cleo.

Well, Harry was asleep on the couch and he needed to rest, I knew he was overthinking and consuming his brain cells ever since last night, and he looked like he was enjoying his sleep.

Poor thing, he was usually a shoot first and ask questions never kind of guy, which meant this kind of overanalyzing of his own behavior wasn't something usual to him.

But he was growing so much, he had changed for the better. And he needed this time out, in my opinion.

Cleo and Harry's relationship was too intense and very fucking unique, so of course their fights would get intense too.

We were talking about two dysfunctional psychopaths with mommy, daddy, and trust issues.

They were so similar in so many ways, maybe that's why they quickly connected.

This was still funny to me because they had fought and tried to kill each other several times before. They had enough scars left behind to remind them of that, and aggressiveness was something too common in their vocabulary.

In my opinion, this fight was necessary. I didn't judge Cleo or Harry, they both had their reasons and they believed they were good enough.

So who was I to choose which reason was better? People handled things differently, and we made our decisions based on our life experiences.

Cleo and Harry's life experiences weren't exactly healthy and 'normal'.

One of the worst things you could make someone feel when they're trying to explain their motives is saying they're being dramatic.

You should never invalidate someone's feelings because you don't know what's going on in their heads, even if you don't comprehend it.

I tried to keep this in mind because life had taught me a lot, and I cared too much about Harry... which was why I lied to him about Anne. It was similar to the situation he was in right now, and I was glad he had actually managed to see that on his own.

He apologized to me and he asked for advice... this was a huge step.

Knowing you fucked up was the key, in the first place.

I knew Harry and I still had to talk about Anne and what happened, but who would've thought that showing up drunk to his penthouse and bringing random assassins with me would actually help our friendship?

I was trying to see the silver lining in all this, but summing it up: they were fucked. And I was helping them, so I was fucked too.

This was the worst possible timing for a couple's fight, we had to focus on what was going on and also on Liam.

The FBI was still after them, that hadn't changed.

I texted Amber after lunch today and I told her things were okay, which was a lie. But she said the FBI was still in Europe searching for them, they didn't think Cleo and Harry would even return to the U.S., so we had this in our favor.

So my goal was to try to make things better... kinda like a mediator.

I knew Cleo was a very difficult person to deal with and she didn't open up much, but she was human... and what she needed the most at the moment was someone to talk to.

And I planned on giving her that if she didn't stab me.

Yes, I was terrified of her and the way Harry was always so chill was kinda impressive. But I mean, he knew her much better than I did.

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