Chapter 37

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"welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!
Now I would like to say a few words...
... before we all become befuddled
by our excellent feast" professor Dumbledore started his speech for the new school year,"First, A feast to welcome Professor R. J Lupin,Who was kind enough to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck Professor!" Everyone clapped their hands and Hermione turned to Harry who sat across the table.

"Of course, thats why he gave you chocolate, Harry" Hermione smiled at him.

"Potter, Potter!" Draco gained our attention, Harry and Ron turn around and Hermione and I look over them to see Draco.

"Is it true that you fainted?
I mean, You actually fainted?" Draco says while his minion beside him puts his hand to his forehead and leans back a little to create a dramatic affect

"Shove off Malfoy" Ron turns Harry back towards us by pushing his shoulder a bit.

"Just forget it" I said softly.

"Our teacher of Care of Magic Creatures of so many years,
he has decided to retire
In order to spend more time
with his remaining limbs
I am delighted to announce...
... that his place will be taken
by none other that our own...
Rubeus Hagrid" This is the best news thus far and it makes me happy that I picked the subject.

"Finally a note of warning
At the request of The Minister of Magic
Hogwarts will until further notice play
host to Dementores of Azkaban
Until such a time Sirius Black is captured" Harry looks over at me and I try to give a reassuring smile. He was anxious and so was I.

"The dementores will be stationed
at every entrance to the ground
While we have been assured
That their presence will not disturb our
day to day activities
A word of caution
The Dementores are vicious creatures
They do not distinguish between the ones they hunt..." Dumbledore was not calming my nerves,"and the ones who get in their way
Therefore, I must warn each and everyone of you
Give them no reason to harm you
It is not in the nature of a Dementor
To be forgiving"

"But, You know...
Happiness can be found
Even in the darkest of time
Only they must remember
To turn on the light" I mentally noted to remember that quote,but I forgot it by the time I started eating dinner.

We all walk up to the Gryffindor common room and Seamus seemed excited to be back since he ran out in front of us to get there.

"Fortuna Major" he says as soon as he gets to the painting.

"Here, listen
She just won't let me in" Harry reaches the fat lady,"Fortuna major"

"No, no, wait, wait!" She starts making me roll my eyes,causing Harry to smile at me, "Watch this" she starts to sing a high.note but it comes out more of a scream,like a pig being tortured,she doesn't break the glass in her hand with her voice so she turns her body to hit it against the wall,"Amazing! Just with my voice" she brags even though she didn't actually do it.

"Fortuna major" I step forward and almost scream at her.

"Yes alright. Go in" the painting slides to the side letting me through.

"Thank you" I say sarcastically.

I sit down in the common room infront of the fire, reading the new books for the year. I can hear every single boy upstairs laughing,as my eyes slowly fell shut.


"You do not think that Grim thing, has got anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron asks as we all walked down to care of magical creatures.

"No, Honestly, Ron" Hermione commented as she walked a little ahead of us. Her hair was up and it looked very pretty,"If you ask me about the divination
it is a rare discipline
Ancient Runes, that is a facinating subject"

"Ancient Runes?
Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron questioned.

"A fair few."

"Hang on, That's not possible
Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination
You have to be in two classes at once!"

"But,I thought you were in Arithmancy with me? I saw you sitting in the back!" I asked. I could sweat I did see her.

"Do not be silly
How can anybody be in three classes at once? Broaden your minds...Use your inner eye to see the future..." Hermione laughed.

"Come on now. Come closer" Hagrid assured us nearer.

"Let's begin if it does not matter for them" some people were still talking and making joke,namely Malfoy.

"I got a real treat for you today
A great lesson
Follow me!" Hagrid walked into the forest.

"You hear, leave the chat
Form a group there
And open your books on the page 49" he said as he still walked and we followed.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Malfoy asked but he sounded sarcastic.

"Just stroke the spine, of course" Hagrid said as if it was obvious.

"I think they are funny" Hermione admitted as soon as we stopped in a small circle in the forest.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny
Really witty
These books look like dogs
Wait till my father tears Dumbledore
for this silly classes" Malfoy started to annoy me.

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