Chapter 3

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I want to thank all the people that are still reading this story. I hope that you like it, Even though I know I'm not that great... Anyway on with the story!

Kim's POV

Today started off a normal day, I woke up Duncan by throwing a pillow at him, we had a pillow fight, he won, we ate breakfast, then we did science stuff that I only pretended to understand. So it was a pretty normal day. Until lunch time.

Duncan and I had just finished eating lunch when we heard a knock on the door. We both stood up to see who it was. We opened the door and found Lewis standing in the doorway.

"Hi Lewis," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey guys," Lewis said, "Listen, there's a meeting at Yoglabs in about 1 hour."

"We'll be there." Duncan said smiling. Then Lewis walked away and I closed the door. I had to ask if Rythian if he got an invitation. Cause if Sjin did and he didn't and he heard. Well things wouldn't be pretty.

"Duncan, could you text Sjin and ask him if he got invited to the meeting?" I asked.

"Um," Duncan said suspicious, "Yea I can, but why?"

"It's just that, if Sjin is coming and Rythian isn't..." I trailed off but Duncan didn't seem to need me to talk anymore. Duncan and I each pulled out or phones.

K: Hi Rythian.

R: Kim! What happened? Do I need to come over!?

K: No. But I wanted to ask you if you got an invitation to the meeting.

R: No not everyone got it. But I can't come Kim Zoey and I are doing stuff.

K: Oh. Ok see yo later.

R: Bye Kim.

"Kim," Duncan said looking up from his phone, "Sjin's coming to the meeting. Then he handed me his phone so I could read the texts.

D: Hey Sjin, You can answer I'm not mad at you.

S: Ok I'm glad your not mad. Whats up?

D: I wanted to know of you are going to that meeting thingy at Yoglabs.

S: Yea I am. Are you?

D: Yea. So see you there?

S: Yea, but don't go yet.

D: Ok. What is it?

S: Just wondering. Is Kim going to be there to?

D: Yea.

S: (:

D: Why?

S: Just wondering. Anyway I have to go animals to feed bye!

D: Bye Sjin.

I looked up from Duncan's phone and handed it back to him.

"Bad news Dunc," I said, "Rythian can't be there. I not sure that I should go."

"Oh...But they wouldn't have called us there if it wasn't at least mildly important." Duncan replied. I agreed to go, even though it might make Rythian mad. Sjin better not try anything cheeky while we are there.

~•§•~ Tine Skip ~•§•~ To Yoglabs.

Sjin's POV

I was so lucky. I could talk to Kim tonight! I knew that her brother Rythian couldn't be there and if I could only get Duncan and the others away for 5 minutes. Then I could tell her that I loved her. And I could apologize to her about blowing her up and Sips and all that disaster that happened.

Duncan's POV

I was worried about tonight. What would Rythian do if Sjin tried anything with Kim? What would he do? He didn't know, and only half of him wanted to.

Before I knew it, Kim and I were just outside of Yoglabs. Kim knocked on the humongeous door and it swung open. He and Kim walked inside to see Lewis waiting for them.

"Come on guys," He said ushering Kim and I towards a door, "Everyone is waiting." And sure enough they were. He and Kim sat down and the meeting commenced.

About halway through the meeting something terrible happened. Kim took a sip from her glass and feel to the floor unconsious. Everyone stood up suddenly.

He heard Hannah yell, "KIM!, Kim are you alright? Say something!" Duncan wasn't suprised to hear this. Hannah, after all, was Kim's best friend. He also heard Lewis yell.

"Meeting dismissed." I didn't care that everyone was watching. I picked Kim up bridal style and carried her all the way back to pandalas.

When we got home I knew what I had to do. I set Kim down in her bed, then he picked up his phone. As much as I hated to do it, I needed to tell Rythian. I mean he was her Brother.

D: Rythian!

R: Duncan Jones why on earth should I keep texting you?

D: Cause it's about Kim.

R: What!? What happened!?

D: Well come over and you and Zoey can see for yourselves.

R: Is it really that bad?

D: Yes!!!!

R: Ok I'm on my way. How dare someone hurt Kim!

Duncan put his phone down and sat down on the bed, beside where the unconcious Kim was laying. She looked so beautiful. Why would anyine try to hurt her?

Thanks for reading! Baiiiii

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