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I completely forgot to publish this, I am sorry.

Nearly a month had passed, a month where Hari hadn't spoken to her best friend even once. 

Draco was avoiding her, he was even avoiding Cassandra, being weirdly gone whenever she got a chance to get away from the Gryffindors that were stressing about their coming OWL's.

Every worried glance towards the Slytherin table was purposely ignored, each attempt to talk to him avoided.

Even Pansy hadn't been able to help Cassandra find him, claiming he had disappeared the second she'd entered the room.

Hari was sick and tired of everything, of Hermione badgering her to study, of Umbridge and her detentions, of Fred's weird acting as if nothing had ever happened between them, and of Ron complaining about the lack of quidditch. She just wanted to sleep, but she never really had time for that either.

The next month at the full moon she went to meet Draco at the bridge but he wasn't there. She waited for him for a while, but as she herself had to get to the forest, in case she transformed, she couldn't wait forever. She made her way into the forest preparing for the moon to rise, hoping that she would see the moon still human.

She stood in the middle of the clearing, staring up at the sky and waiting. Braced for the pain that she knew was probably coming.

The moon rose over the clouds and she felt a twinge of pain from the scars across her stomach.

She waited, bated breath, heart pounding in her throat, but the twinge didn't spread, she didn't transform.

She let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding. Thank goodness. She wasn't a wolf too.

She sat down on her heels on the forest floor in relief. She wasn't a werewolf.

It wasn't that being a wolf was such a terrible thing, it's just that, if she was one, she couldn't help them.

After a while, she stood, climbing. back onto her broom and soaring low over the canopy of trees as she searched for Draco. Hours passed but she couldn't find him and she put her cloak back on, retreating to the castle and hiding in the little room in the dungeons.

She didn't sleep much that night, worry, as ever, keeping her awake.

•  •  •

The next morning, she awoke at sunrise and caught Draco in the hallway sneaking back to the dungeons and blocked his path.

Blood was soaked through his shirt and ran down his neck from the claw marks that covered him. He tried to brush past her but she grabbed his shirt, ignoring the blood, pushing him into an alcove.

"What do you want?" He asked through gritted teeth.

#) Stop avoiding me. (#

He shook his head.

#) What did I do to you? Why are you angry with me? (#

"You didn't do anything." He frowned, trying to pull away.

#) Then what the hell is wrong Draco!? What the hell is so wrong that you won't even tell me about it!? (#

"You're right! You didn't do anything! That's what's wrong! You didn't do anything and I hurt you, I hurt you for absolutely no reason and it's all my fault. I couldn't face...  I just couldn't.... not now that you're....." he trailed off, a tear running down his cheek.

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