Chapter 12: ROSEY

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"Ahh, my son. You finally decided to join us. Took you long enough," the Lord said unamused with a cruel smile.

"Sorry father, my deepest apology," Tim said confidently and smiled politely.

I tense when the feeling of eyes blazing into my soul, burned me.

My heart instinctively started to pound faster in my chest, causing my palms to feel sweaty and sticky.

I felt uncomfortable in my skin.

"I see you already had a bite. A rough bite," there was pride in his voice.

"Uh... Not rea-"

"Well! Return to your seat, my son. We still need to celebrate my birthday," the Lord chimes, raising his glass into the air and dipping it slightly, before taking a sip of it.

Tim nods and gently puts his hand against my back, urging me to walk over to his seat.

I shudder out nervously.

I could feel the eyes and I knew it wasn't because of my presence, but the blood that soaked my collar and down.

I also could feel the nerves spike at the fact that I wasn't wearing my collar, nor have the injection to keep my wolf at bay.

The Lord must've realized because when I sat down and stole a glimpse of him, his lips frowned when he stared at my neck.

I shiver when a light breeze blows past me, prickling my skin to cause goose pimples.

I scan the Vampires and pets that sat across the table, noticing there aren't many pets left.

The more classed and important Vampires sat at either side of the Lord.

The Vampires that only stayed in his Castle sat at the sides of the table and the side where unimportant Vampires were seaten.

I sat at the important row, since Tim was one of his sons.

My stomach turned when I settled my eyes on a pet that sat on a Master's lap, blood still trickling from her wounds, her lids heavy and her gaze hazy.

She'll bleed out if she doesn't receive treatment right away.

"Now," everyone turned their attention to the Lord. He smirked, "I see many of you decided to finish off the pets you chased, but for those who have big plans with the pets that are alive, I hope you show them who's boss. Cheers!"

He tipped his glass and smiled honestly, everyone following suit.

I glance at Tim and saw him already sipping on his drink.

I shiver again.

Even if he saved my life, I can't help the fear that prickled when I set my eyes on a predator.

On all the predators around the table.

They were all risky to taunt, especially if there are many pets injured and bleeding.

It's a dangerous game to be around them when the smell of blood flooded the whole room.

I sigh.

And yet when I feared my life half an hour ago, I still hoped one predator I warmed up to, would save me.

My eyes travel across the table and froze on Master.

His glass was still filled and tilted to the side by inch, his eyes bored and fixed while he swiveled the drink in the glass.

He wasn't very enthusiastic about the event.

He sighs and finally brings the brim to his lips, dipping the glass and taking a sip. His lips curled when he set the glass on the table and relaxed against his seat, looking down beside his seat to whisper something to Anna.

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